Saturday, May 7, 2011

next wallpaper samples

next wallpaper samples. Texture Wallpaper Sample
  • Texture Wallpaper Sample

  • JSRockit
    Sep 29, 07:50 PM
    Originally posted by TMJ1974
    Well, I don't see an eBook happening...the iBook has been marketed at the education and consumer crowd.....and it's not doing too badly (all things considered). Any eBook would, in my opinion, erode the market for the iBook.

    Also, I think the iBook will have the G3 (IBM-Sahara) for some time to come....I don't remember where I saw it, but I read how this chip had lots of life left. I can see a FSB increase DDR RAM in any of the consumer (iBook/iMac/eMac) lines for a while.

    eBook can't happen since the name has already been taken. However, I can see a 12" iBook with a CD-RW drive selling for $999 once the 13" iBook arrives. Also, a 14" SE model with Better resolution maybe.

    Sure, the iBook is aimed at the Student, but I haven't been in school in like 5 years and I actually prefer the size of the 12" iBook to the TiBook. In all fairness, the iBook should be considered a mid-range model...a prosumer model... therefore it needs a G4 processor.

    Keep the current G3 12" iBook as the low-end as a CD-RW version only for $999...the reason I say CD-RW is because the iBook doesn't have a floppy...the CD-RW is the new floppy. CD-ROM drives in laptops need to be forgotten at this point.

    next wallpaper samples. Wallpaper Sample 3
  • Wallpaper Sample 3

  • Wry Cooter
    Sep 12, 04:33 AM
    Originally posted by Moxiemike

    Face it. It's time the design industry stop being *****-footed troglodytes and realize that, yes, indeed, ID combined with OS X on a new PowerMac will increase your productivity.

    Merely keep in mind some of the basis for the *****-footed troglodysm. Direct to press rips in the seven figure range (burning postscript directly to a printing presses plates ain't the same as buying a new inkjet) , image setters in the six figure range, archives of editorial and advertising material that need the old system, and a workflow dependant on custom plug-ins that may not be able to be rewritten for several reasons in todays economic climate. It's easy to rebut that some of the above will not be directly affected, but every bump in the status quo creates a ripple that might grow out of hand.

    InDesign by itself cannot solve all of these problems, merely because it is OS X compatible.

    next wallpaper samples. the FREE WALLPAPER SAMPLES

  • jsw
    Jan 15, 12:24 PM
    its even on Version Tracker (
    But, of course, with no feedback, as of when I checked.

    Edit: VPC7 is, what, $100 more? For once, I'd say it's worth it. Yes, the VPC versions that include Windows cost even more, but I'm assuming you've got your own licensed version, since you'd need one for this as well.

    next wallpaper samples. Bag of Wallpaper Samples
  • Bag of Wallpaper Samples

  • superbovine
    Apr 9, 04:24 PM

    next wallpaper samples. kitchen wallpaper samples,
  • kitchen wallpaper samples,

  • Yvan256
    Mar 19, 10:04 AM
    They already have a network in place for the Nintendo DS, so why can't they use that for the Wii? :confused:

    next wallpaper samples. the FREE WALLPAPER SAMPLES

  • Rower_CPU
    Mar 3, 12:33 AM
    exec [echo=true] autoforumspam version 7.2 start run. forumid=11039; init `grep ${PATTERNTAG} \input\` => (rc=1, paragraph=1, wordcount=37, keyword="school", poster=Macmaniac); match=1, autogen [ SELECT POSTTEXT FROM INANECOMMENTDATABASE WHERE WORD='%SCHOOL%' AND ALREADYPOSTED=FALSE ; ] rows=8 | rand=random(0,8)=.59823411 | prod=rows*rand=4.78587288, int(prod)=4 \\ fetchtext(4,name=Macmaniac) \\ ALREADYPOSTED := TRUE \\ format \\ post \\ return(0). end run

    Hey, Macmaniac, that reminds me. Once, at school, I had to stay late and clean the erasers!

    Note to self: Don't forget to set echo=false before going live, so nobody finds out what I've been doing. Especially Rower. He's sure to figure it out eventually!


    Well done, Doctor've leaked a portion of the MR Moderator OS source code to the masses. Now we'll see all kinds of "viruses" popping up exploiting it...:eek: :p

    next wallpaper samples. Wallpaper Sample
  • Wallpaper Sample

    May 19, 09:10 PM
    haha, that's pretty old

    next wallpaper samples. Striped Wallpaper Sample
  • Striped Wallpaper Sample

  • Scruff
    Jun 11, 06:32 PM
    An Apple printer/scanner would be nice, not that it's necessary... I just like Apple stuff :p.

    They seem to focus on what they do best, then, when they've reached a point they're happy with, they branch into something new, and try that. It's slow, but methodical, and it works for them.

    No need to take on everything at once.

    next wallpaper samples. Carlisle Wallpaper Sample
  • Carlisle Wallpaper Sample

  • JSRockit
    Sep 9, 10:23 PM
    How about the fact that they took away one 14" model?

    next wallpaper samples. Wallpaper Samples (Set)
  • Wallpaper Samples (Set)

  • saint
    Sep 22, 08:22 PM
    The 5% market share figure is still probably correct, or it is close to 5%.
    It is because Macs seem to last longer than PCs that less of them are sold, so there are more Macs being used by people, but not as many are being sold.

    next wallpaper samples. I am like a wallpaper
  • I am like a wallpaper

  • vniow
    Sep 11, 03:03 PM
    Originally posted by dukestreet
    And what would then be the digital hub? Could you control your tv/stereo with your mac? But an airport card in it some where and its networked?

    That would be pretty damn cool......


    You can already do that, sort of. Mostly with PCs, but with something like Rendevous, It'll make thing a helluva lot easier.:)

    I posted a similar article at THE place to discuss a Home Theatre computer, the AVS Forum.
    click me (

    next wallpaper samples. Grass Wallpaper Sample
  • Grass Wallpaper Sample

  • iJon
    Sep 19, 04:59 PM
    Originally posted by bond2
    Everyone has been complaining so much about the current Macs being so far behind the Pentiums and AMD processors in speed. In actuality the new 1.25ghz Dual G4 is the 3rd fastest consumer PC in the market. It almost matches the fastest AMD processor and is just slightly behind Intels PIV 2.8 ghz machine. Check it out for yourself:
    I really dont care about speeds anymore, its more like i care what my computer can do. which my mac can do much more than my pc. but one thing about these benchmarks. it takes apple two processors to almost beat amds and intels chips. i think apple would be in better shape if they could come this close with a single chip, lets hope that those ibm chips with apple rumors are true.


    next wallpaper samples. Textured Wallpaper Sample
  • Textured Wallpaper Sample

  • Over Achiever
    Sep 23, 07:14 PM
    You hope? Aren't you the one that started multiple threads and said that the new powerbooks will definately have the Radeon Mobility 9000?

    Aren't you the guy that knew it would come out late October?

    EDIT: oh you just stated that the iBook will definitely get the Radeon 7500...all I can say is hopefull you're right.

    next wallpaper samples. H Grasscloth Wallpaper Sample
  • H Grasscloth Wallpaper Sample

  • aidanpendragon
    Mar 22, 09:24 AM
    Chrono Cross is one of only four games ever to get a perfect 10.0 rating from (the other three were Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and Soul Calibur).

    Which always prompted me to wonder "what were they smoking"? Chrono Cross started off with such promise, then the bottom just dropped completely out. It truly felt like they'd been 3/4 through a stand-alone game, then decided to tack on the Chrono tie-in. I particularly liked the shoehorned exposition at the very very end: "Oh BTW, Lynx was actually your dad, now go beat the last boss!!!" Or the "Kid is actually a clone of Schala - but we cleverly disguised this by having neither of them actually look like the real Schala & her purple hair!"

    I think Gamespot rated the game the way I felt - play about 1/4 and think "there are great things in motion; the payoff will be spectacular!" But I never felt it lived up to its potential. Certainly not in the end-to-end fulfilment sense of OoT. Just my opinion.

    Anyone remember crystalis? I playin that right now

    Crystalis was like one of the greatest NES games ever. It's like Zelda - but cooler - and with a plot! GAMES THAT NEED A SEQUEL! And a VC release!

    next wallpaper samples. Coronation of King George VI middot; Wallpaper
  • Coronation of King George VI middot; Wallpaper

  • john123
    Jan 28, 01:24 AM
    So I am trying to figure out what exactly happened to Spikey.

    It looks like there were multiple instances of his being banned. Does anyone know exactly what happened?

    Arn, you would be the expert on this, of course....

    next wallpaper samples. Wallpaper Samples
  • Wallpaper Samples

  • ninewhereman
    Mar 22, 12:17 PM
    Glad to hear Jackson won't be directing the Halo movie. He did great with LOTR, but I hated King Kong. The movie would have been far too long with him behind the wheel.

    next wallpaper samples. Wallpaper Sample
  • Wallpaper Sample

  • nagromme
    Oct 25, 08:03 PM
    I like Camino a lot, but Safari won me over.

    Since then, I've tried Firefox and can see that it's nice in many ways--a great choice on Windows--but not enough to tempt me away from Safari.

    next wallpaper samples. Leather Wallpaper Sample
  • Leather Wallpaper Sample

  • brap
    May 19, 05:03 PM
    I'm back folding for 3446, finally fixed the PC earlier this week.

    Production's been low because I've been running it at it's bleeding edge for a couple of days. Math errors don't sit too well with the F@H software :o

    Hopefully found the sweet spot now, though, so long as it doesn't burst into flames.

    next wallpaper samples. Tile Wallpaper Sample
  • Tile Wallpaper Sample

  • spinner
    Oct 30, 04:35 PM
    I have sent an email to my manager here at Gateway with a link to that article to see if we can get iPods to keep up with Dell. I will be interested to see what they say. "Ah... well ...hmmm... maybe if we hadn't run those ads bashing the iMac... damn."

    Guess maybe you should be careful who you go around trashing on TV. :cool:

    Jan 9, 08:28 PM
    Category: 3rd Party Software
    Link: Firefox flaw raises phishing fears (
    Posted on (

    Approved by Mudbug

    Apr 9, 10:57 PM
    SlidesNow! Version 3.0 is Released

    Product Description:

    May 29, 06:37 PM
    The elevator itself was manufactured before the release of the Intel processors in the Macs, so it actually ran in the Apple Store under Rosetta. Unfortunately, Rosetta crashed and caused this malfunction.

    Nov 12, 11:11 PM
    I like firefox, much speedier than Safari (not a whole lot, but still noticable), and I hate the fact that when you have multiple GIFs on one page, that the computer goes up to 100% CPU and slows down... firefox doesnt do that for me.

    Sep 19, 06:44 PM
    Yeah, I feel the same way about my TiBook 800. I bought it about a month ago and already people are talking about all the improvements that are coming. When's the next upgrade? Few weeks? yeah, should've waited. Oh well, this industry's like that....

    damn, should've waited....

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