Sunday, May 8, 2011

wallpapers for mobile

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  • noahtk
    Apr 23, 09:56 PM
    Why has it taken them so long to embrace HD????!! And no... 720p is not the standard...

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  • Mobile Wallpaper

  • LOLaMac
    Apr 26, 02:46 PM
    Wow. A platform that is available on all four major carriers and has dozens of phones, passed the iPhone (which *just* became available on its second carrier) in overall usage. So I guess Google should be patting themselves on the back for this historic achievement.

    Except that each and every single person who has purchased an Android phone could have purchased an iPhone instead. The fact there is one Android phone or ten Android phones is irrelevant. Every one of those people could have chose to buy an iPhone. They didn't.

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  • greatm31
    Aug 3, 12:56 PM
    Has Apple EVER released any consumer products at WWDC? It sounds like some people are going to be in for a real dissapointment when no iphone comes out. I thought they were trying to transition from releases at big conferences anyway.

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  • -aggie-
    May 4, 09:00 PM
    Can we get an explanation from the gods, since this is the first game in this format?

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  • MatthewCobb
    Nov 27, 09:09 AM
    Everyone.......... would buy Two
    They would

    They would! I'd be very tempted. Bring it on!

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  • Tyrion
    Apr 20, 09:19 AM
    Apple is an American company and MacRumors is a U.S. based forum.

    Oh, right, so that justifies arrogance, parochialism and chauvinism. Carry on then.

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  • MattSepeta
    Apr 14, 04:17 PM
    I never thought I'd see the day, but I agree with you. Everyone has to see a tax increase in order to solve the budget problems.

    The non-tax accountant part of me (the tax accountant part of me wants the tax code as complicated as humanly possible) would love it if the corporate tax code was simplified and the tax rates reduced so that corporations actually paid taxes in line with other nations - we'd still probably see more revenue even with the decreased rates because the base would be broadened and corporations would actually pay. We should probably broaden the tax base for individuals by eliminating deductions and then eliminate the Bush tax cuts for everyone (which will increase tax rates across the board, more so at the upper two brackets). I'm not opposed to adding a VAT with a low rate either.

    I'd like to see plenty of spending cuts too - stop the three wasteful and pointless wars we are fighting would be a great start, then cut defense spending. Like it or not, I think we need to acknowledge that social security needs changes - a decrease in benefits and removing the limit on payroll taxes for social security would be a good start.

    But then again, I'm a moderate (though I am generally fiscally libertarian) and I understand the urgency with which we need to eliminate our deficit and decrease our national debt. I don't have much hope for any of this happening, since neither side can seem to acknowledge that we need a combo of what they both propose.

    Spot on. If we are going to raise taxes we should raise them on EVERYBODY. I would gladly take a hit if everyone else was going to.

    We should also cut spending across the board. Cut spending on EVERYTHING.

    No singling anybody/thing out, no exempting anybody/anything.

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  • wclyffe
    Jan 9, 10:49 AM
    it definitely is a strong consideration with a few add'l features for $10 more ... including that it works w/ both iphone and ipod touch, works w/ cases/skins, rotation notches seem firmer, and bluetooth works while off mount ... if you can get over the overall cost, the extra $10 is probably worth it.

    i received the TT car kit as a gift ... and enjoying it every day :D

    Yeah, the cost is not a huge issue for me as with either car kit, I get a permanent dock that I can pop my phone into and get enhanced gps service, charging, bluetooth speakerphone, and line out to my stereo system. It's pretty good from one unit. Glad yours is working out for you!

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  • taylorc
    Sep 15, 09:19 PM
    Could you bump that up if you called back and did the overnight gig?

    Just curious.

    My friend (an apple employee) used his discount and ordered for me at the store. I don't think he ever asked me about shipping, I assumed it was standard for every consumer.

    I can see an extra week to added on to throw in an extra gig and ship from China, not NINE days! Either way it will be here and in the meantime I'll HOPE FOR THE BEST, and expect yonah.

    wallpapers for mobile. All Mobile Wallpapers
  • All Mobile Wallpapers

  • alvindarkness
    Apr 10, 11:40 AM
    In my opinion-

    48/2(9+3) = 288

    48/(2(9+3)) = 2

    To make it clear you could write it with ( ... )^-1 like a real man! :D


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  • Dranix
    Apr 23, 06:52 PM
    Does anyone know what mountain that is a picture of? I'm asking on behalf of a curious third party

    It�s japans holy mountain Fuji.

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  • Tilpots
    Apr 9, 08:09 PM
    It's 2. Deal 288 people.

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  • ampd
    Aug 7, 05:51 PM
    Well after using a Powerbook G4 for the longest time which was given to me for work, i decided that today I would make my first mac purchase and bought the new mac pro... I finally made the complete leap and soon I will be fully rid of Windows as I will be running only Gentoo and OS X. I'm overjoyed that I will be getting my first mac however I know I won't be so happy seeing the credit card bill...heres what I got:

    Two 3GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon
    Apple Wireless Keyboard and Apple wireless Mighty Mouse
    Both Bluetooth 2.0+EDR and AirPort Extreme
    250GB 7200-rpm Serial ATA 3Gb/s (Ill be adding in my 2 750gb hds)
    NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT 256MB (single-link DVI/dual-link DVI)
    1GB (2 x 512MB)
    1 x SuperDrive

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  • bigrell486
    Jul 21, 06:49 PM
    Maybe I'm out in right field with this suggestion, but how about a further separation between the black Macbook and the white, other than color?

    Macbooks (white) - Yonah and integrated graphics (960?)
    Macbook (black) - Merom and the new integrated graphics (965???)

    That would certainly justify the black's higher cost and would give it more of a punch to be that PB 12" replacement.

    This makes perfect sense as Apple has already dub the Black Macbook the "Top of the Line" yet there isn't really a difference between it and the Midrange so by adding The new processor and graphics chip Apple would essentially create the Top of the Line MacBook

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  • 42streetsdown
    May 6, 01:48 AM
    This seems unlikely. The PPC to Intel switch was a result of Apple not being impressed by both IBM and Motorola's lack of interest in continuing the advances in the PowerPC architecture. Intel's current architecture and future planned architectures are still of great interest to apple and consumers. There isn't enough motivation (unless some huge new breakthrough in ARM tech is in the works.)
    The PPC-Intel transition was confusing for many consumers and a pain for developers. I don't think Apple is likely to put us through it again.

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  • citizenzen
    Apr 19, 11:05 AM
    What does "willing to be convinced" mean? Will you read Human Action by Mises? It's a thousand pages of thoroughly explained economics. You don't have to read the whole thing, just the sections pertaining to monetary policy and taxes... So you're really only doing yourself a disservice by passively waiting for someone with all the answers-

    That's like saying that I need to read the whole Bible instead of you just telling me why you're a believer.

    That's all we're asking. Just tell us why you believe something to be true.

    If you inspire us enough, maybe we'll crack open that Bible.

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  • Don't panic
    May 5, 08:55 PM
    that was unexpected. now we'll have to thread back.
    to start
    we explore the friggin' closet

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  • squirrellydw
    Apr 26, 03:45 PM
    Fiat owns 85% of Ferrari.
    Volkswagen owns 49.9% of Porsche.

    Right and what is your point?

    If they weren't making money they would be sold off or shut down. They are high end cars sold to the rich. But let me guess you are stupid to buy an over priced Apple or iProduct right? Just like anyone that buys a BMW, Ferrari or Porsche is dumb. What is dumb is thinking one product is better than another. What is better, the iPhone, Android or a Star Tec? I guess if the only thing I want to do is make phone calls my old Star Tec is the best if it still works. My point is it depends on what your needs are.

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  • jamied95
    Mar 28, 10:45 AM
    Makes sense - WWDC is a developers conference and the iPhone is a consumer's device.

    Apr 10, 06:20 PM
    Just gave the problem to my 12 year old brother. Yup, its 288. To all you people who still believe it's 2, I hope you don't deal with math a lot in your careers. It might also be a good idea for you to hire somebody else to do your taxes ;)

    So he is the man. Does he do your taxes?:D

    Mar 27, 12:33 AM
    Well if one AOL owned tech blog can't get rumors right (Engadget), I'm not believing the other way less popular one (TechCrunch).

    iPad 2
    Apr 18, 04:00 PM
    I guess we can kiss any hope of a 4" OLED screen showing up in the iPhone goodbye.

    I DO see their point.

    Then the iPhone 4 came out and a half year later, Samsung introducted the Galaxy S II...

    Followed up with the Galaxy S II Mini...

    But I don't think companies should be able to copyright overall aesthetic choices unless the two products are basically identical looking and intended to be sold as cheap knockoffs.

    And the Samsung phones are not cheap knock offs, they're actually probably the best andriod phones on the market.

    So I think this lawsuit is ******** and hope Apple gets laughed out of court.

    Sep 11, 03:05 AM
    Originally Posted by Chundles
    Dial-up. ...

    And I'm in the 10th largest city in the country. My parents, who live in a little country town a long way from anywhere get quite decent broadband speeds. Go figure...

    My brother lives in Woolongong and he gets good Broadband speeds, I think his with unwired. You could always go and hang around near the uni and bludge off there wireless network.

    Apple 26.2
    Apr 21, 04:14 PM
    Hello enterprise... it's nice to meet you!

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