Sunday, May 8, 2011

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  • tarproductions
    Apr 12, 08:19 PM
    Always looking forward to advancements in software.

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  • gkarris
    Mar 22, 05:03 PM
    Definitely will keep the formfactor because of all the accessories available for it.

    Will definitely upgrade to the larger hard drive as the current one may be discontinued...

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  • Lollypop
    Aug 7, 04:48 AM
    Not too brag or anything :D but it works out great for us in UK. Get in from work 5.30pm / open a beer / macrumors / keynote 6pm / tears of joy / rob bank 9pm / buy mac pro :D

    South Africa here, leave work-> go to gym and work up a sweat -> macrumors -> have dinner during keynote -> go to bed and have sweet dreams about new iphone! :D :D Life is good! LOL

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  • Carniphage
    Nov 30, 03:22 AM
    I'll speak loud and clear:


    iTunes Store can't now nor will it likely ever replace Dish Network for me. Just let me record my shows either directly with iTV or via something connected to it. I hope when this is released, HD DVD and Blu-ray make there way into Macs.

    No No No No No!

    All a DVR is - is a better VHS. A way of watching broadcast TV a little more easily. It's a timeshifter, but it is not revolutionary.
    DVRs are popular with the (few) people who have them because they end some of the scheduling tyranny of the broadcasters.

    But the problem is not scheduling. The problem is broadcasting itself.

    Every modern business has had to face up to the opportunities and challenges of the Internet. One of the most significant is what they call disintermediation. Cutting out the middle men. Buying direct.

    TV needs to be disintermediated. The advertisers and the networks get in the way. There needs to be a better pathway between producers and consumers.

    Advertisers screw-up television. They influence content. Great shows are pulled, not because they don't have enough enthusiastic viewers, but because they don't attract enough consumers of sanitary towels or tooth whitener.

    Lousy shows clog up the airwaves because they attract a large number of bottom-dwelling viewers who might just notice the ad for low-price hemorrhoid cream.

    Broadcast TV is a business model from the 50s which needs to die. But if you *really* want your TV content determined by the marketeers of ant-acid remedies then stick with your DVR. Stick with Celebrity Love Spacktard. Cheer it up for American Idle. Wave pom poms like a sixteen year-old for the vacuous, empty spam that the networks churn out, to fill the gaps between revenue-generating advertising.

    But while dreaming of Celebutard Love Assault... just for a second, imagine how much better TV could be if we could pay Joss Wheadon for Firefly DIRECTLY, or pay someone to make Star Trek with the same level of integrity as Battlestar.

    Hint - if it started to suck, we would stop paying.

    I'd prefer my television direct.

    Screw the advertisers. Screw the networks. Screw Rupert Murdoch. In fact, pull down your dish and cram it in Rupert Murdoch.

    Go iTV


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  • gauriemma
    Jul 18, 09:49 AM
    I like to know that I can listen to (or view) my music on my schedule, at my convenience, on my time. If someone's telling me that I've got to hew to THEIR schedule, then it's just ceased being convenient.

    Thanks, but I'll pass.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 6, 06:31 PM
    I'll Have To See It To Believe It. I can't believe the quality will compare with a physical DVD. :eek:

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  • jent
    Apr 12, 11:13 PM
    Is there a video of the announcement available?

    wallpaper upin ipin. reply
  • reply

  • dreamsburnred
    Mar 24, 11:04 PM
    A refresh is expected soon...

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  • Chupa Chupa
    Sep 7, 02:37 PM
    I think it will have to be a rental or stream service. There is no way I would pay $14.99 for a lower quality movie at the same price I would pay for a DVD at circuit city or best buy. I know Steve Jobs has been fighting with the movie companies to have a uniform price. Unfortunately, these companies get pretty greedy and don't see the big picture.

    I also don't think apple would put out an option, like $14.99 downloads, when that doesn't make sense.

    You won't, but you are probably more technically savvy then 99% of the world population. How many people pay $10 for an album of songs encoded @ 128Mbps and couldn't be happier?

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  • Upin amp; Ipin are back in the

  • paradox00
    May 2, 05:08 PM
    I got a another newbie question
    I am planning on moving out of Windows (7) and onto MAC OS X, but I want to wait for Lion since its close to a finished product. Now my question is, if Lion comes out, would that mean every Mac (Mac Pro, iMac, iMac mini, Macbook, MB Pros, etc) would have Lion installed/packaged or is there a specific mac that will have Lion on its first day and the other macs would have to wait???

    All macs sold after launch will come with Lion either pre-installed or with an upgrade disk (if they shipped before Lion launched).

    Edit: Lion should also be compatible with any mac with a Core 2 Duo or newer (my Core Duo MBP will, sadly, be obsolete).

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  • daveyjokes
    Oct 24, 06:14 AM

    are immenent!

    Midday Tuesday, the UK store has gone down for updating, im guessing MBPs...

    We all know what it looks like but i took a screenshot for the un-believers


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  • trevorlsciact
    May 2, 08:17 PM
    All you have to do is drag .app in trash then instead of "empty trash", use secure empty trash so it can find the rest of the files:D

    Unless I am very mistaken, that is not how that works.

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  • bommai
    Jul 18, 04:06 PM
    You cannot rent an HD movie from Blockbuster or Netflix, so what makes you think "Apple has to offer HD quality". There is no need to have better quality than competitors while also providing more convenience.

    What is so wrong about stereo sound? A lot of people use the speakers of their TVs for the sound of a movie. Most movie do not really take advantage of sourround sound that much, where you feel like the sound is coming from the left or from behind etc. You might as well use your 5 speakers in stereo mode.

    First, couple of corrections. Netflix is already offering both HD-DVD and Bluray Disk rentals of available movies. So, technically high definition movie is for rent. I have not rented any yet because I am waiting for the prices to come down a little bit and also a victor to emerge.

    Second, while it might be true that the majority of people in the general population might still be watching movies on a 4x3 non-progressive scan TV with mono/stereo sound, the distribution is quite different in the specific population that might be interested in trendy things like online downloads of movies.

    In the middle to upper-middle class segment of tech-savvy market, the presence of 16x9 HD-capable displays and 5.1 surround systems are almost ubiquitous. I have several friends that all have such systems and they are also in the similar tech/economic bracket as me.

    Also, it is not that expensive to own a 5.1 surround system anymore. Even though I have a system that cost several thousand dollars, you can pickup a decent Onkyo 5.1 system for $400 from the bigbox retailers. Walmart has even $99 low end systems.

    About your claim that movies down take advantage of surround sound, you cannot be more wrong. Are you still watching VHS? Almost all DVDs using Dolby Digital 5.1 encoding and some better ones use DTS (which I love). These make a huge difference. Again, looking at the tech savvy customers that are early adopters, you have to think about movies like iRobot, Star Wars, War of the Worlds, Batman Begins, Spider Man 1 and 2, Bourne Supremacy, etc. These DVDs have impressive sound that cannot be expressed in stereo.

    I agree that Apple's download service does not need to be HD, but it has to offer surround sound and original theatrical aspect ratio. You can probably accomplish this feat with a file size of approximately 1.5 to 2 GB per movie using H.264 encoding.

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  • fanboy
    Jan 11, 08:30 PM
    13" screen means you can only shave about a pound off the Macbook's current weight - so a 4lb, not 3lb. notebook.

    If the above is true, then I guess this is not a macbook lite, but a macbook pro lite, so I'd expect starting price of $1999.

    They might be able to make it lighter with a smaller enclosure, no hd, no optical drive, and a smaller battery. But, yeah, probably closer to 4lbs than 3lbs.

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  • ltgator333
    Mar 28, 11:54 PM
    wow... this lack of faith in Apple is suprising really. This company has been sitting about where it's at right now for the last 10 years or so, and all the sudden they're just gonna die? I think the reasons why this will not happen have been beaten to death, so I spair you repeating them.
    The whole thing with Adobe/M$ pulling products is ridiculous as well. This has happened a million times, Apple makes an app and a third party realizes they can't compete with this new app and either lowers the amount of effort they put into their app or just pull the plug on it. Anyone remember MacAmp? Toast? The examples are readily available.
    As for cheap Macs, hell yeah I'd like to see some. The whole reason you see a PC listed under the computers I personally own is because it was cheaper for me to build my own dual proc PC workstation that buy a Mac- other than a non-upgradeable computer that also to me isn't all that good looking, the iMac or eMac. The problem is Apple's business model works, and even though Apple makes computers, being they are a business, making money is still the #1 thing, if they're making $ there's no reason to change anything real drasticly.

    I would like to see Apple come out with a headless desktop, but not have it be a direct replacement for iMac or eMac, an interim of upgradeability between the PMac line (which as for how desktop machines go, this thing is very upgrade freindly on a whole, the PMac G4's especially) and the iMac with virtually none. A machine that has a AGP slot, processor can be removed/upgraded, one HD and one optical drive bay and maybe 1 or 2 PCI-X slots would be a perfect fit upgradeability wise between they're high and low end. I beleive that if they were to do this I would price it similarly to the iMac, basicly a trade-off monitor for upgrades.. put the right spin on it and I think there's a market for a machine like this.

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  • one of our new wallpaper~come

  • cemetric
    Aug 25, 04:58 AM
    I do hope they'll ship new MacBooks in September. I've been holding off a purchase for that very reason. Anyway, new portables should ship this year... before the German government raises the VAT... :eek:

    I hope the same thing, was planning on buying one to.
    Is Germany going to raise their taxes ?? To how much 20% 21% Like in Belgium ... Way too high :rolleyes:


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  • miamiracing
    Jan 27, 08:08 AM
    here my G

    of course i got it fully loaded with Bose Sound etc.

    on the far left in the snow last night

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  • Cake Name : Upin Ipin Cake

  • razzmatazz
    Aug 6, 10:43 PM
    Yep. And Milk. Steve Jobs will climb down your chimney, eat the cookies, and pour the milk into any PCs he finds in your house :)

    Well he won't find any PCs! Our house is PC free. We have a PowerMac G5, iMac G5, Powerbook G4, and a MacBook. He would be very happy :D

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  • ImNoSuperMan
    Sep 6, 03:49 PM
    It may have been introduced then, but that wasn't the last time it was refreshed . See here ( which is actually on May 16th.

    Well if you consider a minor speed bump as a refresh. In that case MBP was refreshed within 4 months of it`s launch and now it`s been 4 months since that refresh too. So MBP still is due for a refresh even if we go by your theory of refresh timings.

    I know the sept 12 event might only concentrate on Movie store and maybe a new iPod. But in case MBP is not redesigned I guess they`ll do a silent upgrade within a couple of weeks.

    Compile 'em all
    Jul 19, 04:30 PM
    23% drop in desktop sales is surprising to me. Is it just due to people waiting for PowerMacs with Intels? It is not a good sign that higher iMac sales are not making up for it.

    This is actually the general trend in the computer market since the rise of
    portables against desktop machines. Portables are becoming increasingly
    powerful (computational-wise) up to the point that the line between them
    and Desktops is blurred.

    Sep 1, 01:18 PM
    A 23" Merom iMac. Really nice! But I was hoping for Conroe to power the next iMac series. A bit underwhelming. Isn't the Conroe supposed to have a solid performance edge over the Merom? A faster FSB and higher clockspeeds?

    What to think of this? Sure, in some tests Merom performs up to 40% faster than Yonah, but in others it only shows a puny advantage. The truth is bound to be somewhere in between those claims. So, Merom performs some 20% faster than Yonah. That's nice, sure, but not exactly overwhelming.

    I don't like this. Don't know why exactly...

    23" I do like, though. What GPU will power that display? Hopefully an X1900, although an X1800 is more likely. What will it cost. Man, too many questions right now.

    What about Merom powering the 17" and 20" iMacs, and the 23" imac being powered by Conroe?Relax. Merom in C2D iMacs is only a Rumor. It is not a fact at all. Conroe inside a new design is much more likely.

    Apr 19, 11:38 AM
    256 should be perfect. If you need more space I'd say invest in a NAT or just external drive.

    I do a ton of iMovie editing of trips n such and with itunes + movies + TV show's i'm only pushing 150gb right now on my MBP.

    Don't get me wrong, it is "doable". Heck, even 128gbs is doable. But I like to load my iTunes music catalog on my laptops which is like 50gbs. Then there's all the software I use that take up massive space like the adobe suites and final cut etc. They easily swallow up over 100gbs, leaving very little room to play with for me.

    Trust me, I'm definitely a less is more kinda guy. That's why I prefer the MacBook air over the pros...just alittle more would definitely clinch it for me.

    I've heard rumors that the next big redesign of the MacBook pros will do away with the optical drives too and mimic the Airs form factor. But that won't be until next January at the earliest.

    Sep 17, 03:24 AM
    Ok, you admit that CR gave it a fair review...more than fair. It's the highest-rate phone ever....

    A should they when they have groupies that go out on the web and make excuses for them 24/7?

    so what you are saying is that if you want to buy the best smart phone according to consumer reports it would be the iphone 4.

    so you are agreeing that the iphone 4 is the best smart phone out there.

    because if you don't believe it is the best smart phone, then it means you don't agree with consumer reports. So you are in the same boat with those who do not agree with consumer reports...

    so you either defend consumer reports and also agree the iphone 4 is the best phone ever or disagree with them, which puts you in the same boat as those who you accuse of being less than you are.

    apple set out to make the best phone....according to consumer reports they succeeded. accept that fact and move on.

    Jul 20, 10:02 AM
    There are more details here -

    At the end of the page is a breakdown in the sales figures.

    Desktop sales are down 14% on last quarter, and 23% on a year ago, but laptop sales are up a whopping 60% on last quarter and 61% on a year ago.

    Not surprising. They haven't released a replacement for the G5 tower, and people have been waiting for a faster laptop for 3+ years since they never had the G5 laptop.

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