Sunday, May 8, 2011

wallpaper background blue

wallpaper background blue. World map ackground
  • World map ackground

  • Multimedia
    Aug 11, 10:16 PM
    It would be cool for them to keep the yonah in the low-end MacBook. That way with the price drop they could get back to a $999 entry-level notebook.

    Merom definitely in the Black Macbook though, if this is true.

    Great News! Still hoping for a case redesign in the MBP for mine. :)You can buy the Yonah entry MacBook on the SAVE page of the Apple online store for $949 already. Been so for months. They are not going to keep putting Yonah in anything. Merom cost them the same money. No incentive to keep putting 32-bit processors in anything any longer than they must because the future is Leopard and Leopard is all about full 64-bit support.

    MacBook Pro is very likely redesigned for Merom including that easy HD swap out capability that's already in the MacBook Pro Jr. - I mean MacBook. :eek: :D

    Here's how I see Apple using Merom:

    MacBook Pro gets these two:

    Core 2 Duo T7600 - 2.33 GHz (4 MiB L2, 667 MHz FSB) 15" Top $2499 & 17" $2799
    Core 2 Duo T7400 - 2.16 GHz (4 MiB L2, 667 MHz FSB) 15" Bottom $1999

    MacBook Gets these two:

    Core 2 Duo T7200 - 2.00 GHz (4 MiB L2, 667 MHz FSB) Superdrive Black $1499 & White $1299
    Core 2 Duo T5600 - 1.83 GHz (2 MiB L2, 667 MHz FSB) Combo White $1099

    Mac mini gets these two:

    Core 2 Duo T5600 - 1.83 GHz (2 MiB L2, 667 MHz FSB) Superdrive $799
    Core 2 Duo T5500 - 1.66 GHz (2 MiB L2, 667 MHz FSB) Combo $599

    I wish they would stop selling Combo Opticals. They could use Single Layer Superdrives as a differentiator instead.

    wallpaper background blue. Amy Weber Blue Background PSP
  • Amy Weber Blue Background PSP

  • padapada
    Nov 5, 06:45 AM
    Sophos is terrible on Windows; why would anyone want to install that garbage on their Mac? :confused:

    From this comment I can tell you have had absolute NO EXPERIENCE with the product.

    We have had it in our company for 10 years and it's absolutely non-intrusive and hassle free.

    Please don't generate noise if you don't have any relevant experience.


    wallpaper background blue. stock photo : Abstract lue
  • stock photo : Abstract lue

  • kavika411
    Mar 29, 08:44 AM
    I dont understand the point of this. Is storage really an issue on peoples computers? I understand the mobile app, but why not just store the files locally?

    I believe that storage will be half the equation for the future MobileMe. I believe the other half will be some sort of wireless synching to the cloud - if you so choose - and not to your computer as we've done for too many years now.

    wallpaper background blue. myspace ackground Wallpaper
  • myspace ackground Wallpaper

  • rtharper
    Sep 10, 11:08 PM
    If they don't happen by then, that's when I will beging looking at yonah MBP's.

    I won't buy a Yonah MBP. I would rather have a more future proof computer of a different brand. I use *nix for almost all of my work, I'll just try and buy an open source friendly machine and put windows on a partition just to run WoW and have the other run FreeBSD.

    That, of course, is not my first choice, but I won't wait past the shipping dates of other manufacturers (i.e. the 26th is my limit, too).

    wallpaper background blue. wallpaper background.
  • wallpaper background.

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Apr 18, 03:07 PM
    If copying style is a crime then most of the automakers are in trouble because all too many of their vehicles look far too much alike. (e.g. Lexus' 5-door suv crossover looks like Subaru's 5-door Impreza which is strikingly similar to the Mazda from a few years ago, but then Mazda's first crossover turbo SUV is a blatant rip-off of Subaru's WRX from the '04 year, so to quote Aretha Franklin, Who's zooming who? But then I think most of the cars from the late '80s and '90s look like the horribly ugly Ford Tempo in a basic sense. Then when Hummer made boxy cool again, we got a load of imitators there as well (Cube, Soul, etc.) but then cars were boxy long before Hummer came around so.... Notice how much the newest Corvette more closely resembles the Viper in the front than previous Corvettes (sometimes just changing the headlight style makes one look much like another). Then there's knockoff rims, taillight styles (hello ugly Altezas), etc.

    Frankly, if pop/rock musicians sued each other to the degree that Apple and others do it, they'd ALL be in trouble. There's only so many chord combinations and basic progressions possible, after all. Style is just one aspect.

    wallpaper background blue. wallpaper background
  • wallpaper background

  • JackAxe
    Apr 23, 10:44 PM
    Doesn't OS X already support displays up to 2560x1600? Afaik that was the resolution of Apple's own (now discontinued) 30" display and the resolution of most, if not all, 30" displays available at the moment. 3200x2000 is nothing but the next rung on the ladder. This is just Apple future-proofing their OS a bit. If they release anything in the short term it will most likely be a big-ass iMac or a bigger Apple Display, NOT a laptop running that resolution. Just saying...

    Yep. My Apple 30", which I bought in 2005 is 2560 x 1600. Oh, and my MacBook Pro 17", which runs at 1900 x 1200 can drive it as a secondary display. So could my older 17".

    Here's something most people don't know. IBM created a 200 PPI display back in 2000. Veiwsonic later released it as their VP2290b, which ran at 3200 x 2400. I recall when it came out, that it was over $6k. It required 2 DVI cables to drive it, since at that time, Dual-DVI ports were not available.

    wallpaper background blue. electric lue fractal art
  • electric lue fractal art

  • solvs
    Jul 21, 05:57 PM
    (iMac is a little too "white" for my taste)
    Racist. :p

    Kidding. I'm think they'll go with a high end black model eventually. Maybe give it a better video card or something to justify another hundred bucks or so. I'm hoping they do the same with the MacBooks. Maybe a new lowend pro, or a high end nonpro with a built-in video card. That would justify a $1500 purchase over a $1000 one to me.

    wallpaper background blue. wallpapers white ackground.
  • wallpapers white ackground.

  • shaolindave
    May 4, 02:46 PM
    pro: one less disc to keep track of. my family already lost my iWork disc.

    cons: what if i want to format the hard drive and restart from scratch? or even just archive and install? what if i completely replace my hard drive? what if i want to sell my mac and get a new one, would i retain the license or would the buyer get it? how would they reinstall the OS after I wipe the hard drive? how long is this going to take to download? will we be able and authorized to burn our own install DVDs from the downloaded software?

    wallpaper background blue. akilas rad lue background
  • akilas rad lue background

  • Sweetfeld28
    Dec 5, 12:14 AM
    i think this would make a good revision of the newly rumored 12" MacBook Pro.

    wallpaper background blue. Blue Sea At Night Wallpaper
  • Blue Sea At Night Wallpaper

  • Cougarcat
    May 6, 12:19 AM
    I was about to say, "What?! And lose the Windows compatibility they bragged on so much with the Intel transition? You're kidding me!", then I remembered that Windows 8 is also rumored (confirmed?) to run on ARM.

    Yes, Windows 8 will have ARM support (

    I don't buy this rumor, though. It's too crazy.

    wallpaper background blue. lue wallpaper background
  • lue wallpaper background

  • Benjy91
    Apr 25, 09:55 AM
    And remarkably inaccurate when I looked myself up. It has a bit of correct information on my parents. I'm actually surprised at how wrong they were since I have a fairly large internet footprint (of course, these guys probably don't have Google's database since they're just skimming).

    It's inaccurate because it doesn't track YOUR location, just the location of your nearest Cell Tower.

    wallpaper background blue. Abstract ackground with a
  • Abstract ackground with a

  • timmillwood
    Nov 26, 10:56 AM
    So this will be a super remote for the iTV?

    i think i will get one if they are reasonably prices but i would not pay more than �500 for it when I have a Macbook Pro

    Would be nice if it has built in HSDPA, EDGE and GSM!

    wallpaper background blue. black-wallpaper background
  • black-wallpaper background

  • radesousa
    May 6, 01:15 AM
    Hell, Apple has so much cash they should buy AMD. :D

    wallpaper background blue. wallpaper background blue.
  • wallpaper background blue.

  • RKpro
    Apr 7, 10:15 AM
    I suspect THIS is why HP chose to use a 9.7" 4:3 display on their TouchPad tablet. When all of Asia is stamping out iPad screens it would be a lot easier for HP to acquire iPad panels, using the manufacturer's economies of scale, than to have them manufacture different panels alongside iPad panels.

    wallpaper background blue. BLUE GRAPHIC DESIGN BACKGROUND

  • benedetti
    May 7, 11:44 AM
    There must be a catch, like...
    "free with Mac OSX 10.7" (?)

    wallpaper background blue. Blue Dynamic Background
  • Blue Dynamic Background

  • shelterpaw
    Aug 7, 10:36 PM
    That URL is no good. Would you please go to the site and COPY the URL and then PASTE it here with the LINK tool?

    Did you mean SILENT PC REVIEW (
    Yes I did.. My bad, sorry... I'm a little out of it today. :confused:

    wallpaper background blue. LA Dodgers lue background
  • LA Dodgers lue background

  • MikeTheC
    Nov 26, 11:29 AM
    I've always been of the impression, since the time of the pre-release discussions of tablet PCs, that they were a solution looking for a problem.

    I would never, ever want to spend my money on an electronic equivalent to a notepad. And I happen to use notepads, BTW. However, if I was taking notes with it (which is NOT at all what I do with the notepads I own), there's no way in the world I'd be writing on it; that would be far too slow.

    Why would I want to waste my time learning shorthand (which makes the assumption that TPCs could handle various forms of shorthand) so I could do through writing what I can already do at 70+ WPM via typing. And with typing, it solves the whole problem of handwriting recognition, because there ISN'T ANY.

    The TPC market is so highly specialized and so incredibly vertical that I believe it would be nothing more than a distraction for Apple away from their core business and development strengths.

    wallpaper background blue. (wallpaper)ackground
  • (wallpaper)ackground

  • alent1234
    Mar 29, 09:06 AM
    It's yet another Dropbox offering that's a long ways behind awesome-integration with other products (Lots of apps sync data between devices via Dropbox). And, if I put a music file into dropbox I can play it, mobile device independent.

    Also, why would I only want my music accessible when I have internet? Any road trips from where I live (Utah) generally put me in EDGE territory which won't be consistently fast enough to stream the audio at enough quality, let alone the fact that there are several dead spots along the way. I'll stick to having my music on my iPhone. No buffer, no stutter, no data usage. Oh, yeah. That. Data usage. With carriers bottlenecking you now, you think they'll favor Amazon cloud delivery for people who want to stream their music all day long? They (Amazon) will probably also do some more compression on the files so it'll sound like listening to your music in a tin can.

    At first glance, being very pessimistic, I'm not really interested in this product.

    you might have missed apple's product release strategy in the last 15 years. release a product with a limited set of features that work well and add on later.

    same strategy here. if amazon waits until every possible listening scenario is taken care of they will never release a product. look at the kindle, all it does is let you read books and cheaply. and people love it

    wallpaper background blue. Computer Wallpaper Background
  • Computer Wallpaper Background

  • celticpride678
    Mar 27, 12:40 AM
    Is the Verizon iPhone going to be included this time?

    Aug 11, 02:16 PM
    I wish apple would just hurry up and get the MBP upgraded i need one within the next 4/5 weeks before uni starts!! an with regards to redesign im all for it aslong as they dont put an integrated keyboard in like the MB cos its rubbish!!

    so heres hoping for next tuesday!!!:D

    Aug 7, 01:53 PM
    Suppose it'd be a bit heretic to buy one of these solely for Windows, right?

    I'd not get a quad Xeon Woodcrest anywhere else for less, and my Athlon 64 just doesn't cut it...

    Apr 7, 03:00 PM
    What a way to win.

    Mar 28, 10:24 AM
    If no new iPhone until 2012, then this further exemplifies Android = WINNING!

    This makes no sense and thus hope it's just another BS rumor.

    May 2, 08:25 PM
    The main reason that it will never happen -> they never will charge the gas by the liter, they want to keep it by the gallon...and continue increasing the price, if they change to the liters...a lot of people will be confused and start to complaint and blame the price increases on the metric system...wait they may want to use it as a smoke flare....hum,....:confused:

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