Sunday, May 8, 2011

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  • RebootD
    Mar 31, 12:26 AM
    So what part of 'iOS' fluff do Versions, Air Drop, Mission Control, Auto Save and Lion Server fit under?

    'Useful' UI improvements? So what would you consider useful? Personally full screen apps, a native application launcher that can be organized, and resume are all useful to me. Get out of the mindset that just because it originated from iOS means that it won't be useful.

    Wasn't talking 'features' I was talking "user interface" as in getting rid of aqua, standardize their apps GUI etc.

    As for 'features" Versions and Air drop are great but most of my apps already autosave or I do every 10 minutes, don't care about mission control, don't really care about full screen apps because I have many open at once side by side and I don't run a server.

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  • yadmonkey
    May 6, 04:03 AM
    I'm surprised by the amount of resistance I'm seeing to this idea. I've assumed for a while that this move was inevitable. ARM procs will be fast, relatively cheap, cool, and energy efficient. Apple already has an OS for it which will see considerable convergence with the Mac OS in the near future. This will be a great move for Apple and for consumers, as was the move to Intel.

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  • ravenvii
    May 5, 08:38 PM


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  • Eidorian
    Aug 7, 02:44 PM
    The baseline is actually somewhere around $2100, you can lower some of the options when configuring.$1962 for US Education. w/2 GHz and 160 GB hard drive.

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  • fraggot
    Apr 25, 09:32 AM
    Almost EVERY cell phone that's ever existed has tracked your phone in some form of fashion and stored it on the device. This is nothing new but just because it's an iPhone it's a big deal.

    People need to find other things to worry about cause this shouldn't be it.

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  • Cougarcat
    Apr 23, 04:43 PM
    I'm not impressed if this is where the iMac display is potentially going , the current GPUs can barely drive the resolutions they have now in anything other than simple desktop apps . , can you imagine what video card you would need to drive a game (say portal 2 which has low to modest requirements) at 30fps + on a screen with 3200 or higher resloution ?

    I think Apple is simply futureproofing here, and we won't see Retina displays for 3+ years, when it would be more feasible.

    I agree with you, though, it would be nice if Apple was more serious about their GPUs. Maybe the switch to retina will force them to be.

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  • Prom1
    Aug 4, 03:55 PM
    I got a question ... is the MacBook & MBP batteries Li-Ion or Li-Polymer? If the former then what i want MOST in the MBP is Li-Polymer and really fold the polymers and compress them to get a higher density of energy for longer battery life.

    > The next generation of the MBP I'd really like to see the Intel technology for sub display (not unlike that on flip cellphones) to display AudioCD or running app information on the display or AirPort Ex hotspots within range (SSID, Signal Strength, VoIP signals etc). I'd also like to see a higher resolution - that maintains the same or much higher focus and zoom+Auto Focus - iSight thats built in and somewhat rotable (maybe somehow in the sell without external finger control).

    > Magnesium or some kind of Metal Polymer combination that is very resistance or displaces heat efficiently but absorbing enough heat for hours of DVD, Video editing on our laps without burning them. Something thats much like ceramic tiles and how they displace heat efficiently.

    > Me ... I'll settle for minimum 256MB video memory for ALL MBP and the built to order 512; and built to order 128MB on the Mac Books.

    Question why do the old G4 powermacs of 933mhz or lower STILL selling highly used for such a high price - their almost obsolute in their abilities compared to new hardware. as an example on another forum sight someone is trying to sell a Dual 1Ghz QuickSilver for $1000 1.5GB total memory capacity (not that its filled with that much). Isnt this ridiculous?

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  • 99MustangGTman
    Dec 13, 10:08 PM
    Almost bought the kit, but when I went to the Apple store and actually saw it in person I couldn't justify paying $120+tax for a piece of plastic. Yeah, yeah yeah, it has bluetooth, charges the phone, and has a gps chip. Its ridiculous to have to pay $100 for an app and $120 for a piece of plastic.

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  • Eidorian
    Jul 22, 11:04 AM
    Nearly the entire line of majot Apple products is in need of an update.

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  • GregA
    Nov 27, 04:01 PM
    Besides, most mock-ups here show a rather enhanced iPod, than a REAL this means most people want/need only a grown-up PDA, instead of a tablet as such...and I couldn't agree more.
    How do you define a REAL tablet?

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  • Teddy's
    Sep 11, 09:30 AM
    And Radiohead.
    I wonder about these two -- three before Dave Matthews Band came aboard -- everytime there's a major music announcement.

    If they add the "album only" feature to *All* Radiohead's songs, more bands will follow. Mostly for marketing reasons. There are lots of those crappy "Radiohead wannabes - ohhhhhh our songs should not be outside their album":mad:

    Now, I can't wait for tomorrow's event!

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  • Kane08
    Mar 29, 09:48 PM
    The idea of cloud storage is that you have another copy of your data on external servers with much more bandwidth and server maintenance and backup than you can manage at home. Then you can access that cloud from a multiple of devices that may or may not have the local storage space for all that data.

    I routinely use 3 different laptops (have access to 5) and 3 mobile devices. I've backup up my content at home on multiple external HDD (the bigger AC powered 3.5" drives and more portable 2.5" drives). But to get my content on my devices I was forever syncing and resyncing having to pick & chose what content I wanted to access on the device.

    Amazon's music cloud allows me to create one backup resource for my music on an external server farm. They worry about maintaining the HDD and connectivity to the net. I can access my music and playlists on my memory-challenged mobile device or that netbook I only take along on trips and always forget to sync.

    Since adding Dropbox and Evernote to my arsenal of tools I've been able to eliminate the need to carry around USB HDDs entirely. I can work on projects with whatever computer I happen to be using.

    The reason for sour grapes here (I suspect) is that Amazon beat Apple to the punch. Apple's been sitting on Lala for 2 freaking years!!!! To take music with you syncing is mandatory and storage space comes at a premium on Apple devices. Even the new Home Sharing features of iOS 4.3 pale in comparison to StreamToMe and a DYNDNS account.

    I love Amazon's move. I routinely chose them for music downloads over iTunes anyway due to better pricing. And best of all Amazon will be taking on the music industry's insane demands that consumers have multiple licenses to listen to their own music!!! Someone's gotta take RIAA down to reality or else we'll all get sued for 75 trillion dollars just for making copies of our own music files.

    I think people forget it was Amazon that successfully pushed for DRM-free digital music. Before then everything you bought was by subscription or made invalid if you switched HDDs and forgot to back up your licenses. Including the vaunted iTunes library.

    Lol, there are no sour grapes at all, my point was that I don't want large online backup, I want a big dumb pipe to access my own things on my own computer. Like I said, maybe I'm just pessimistic, but I want to rely on an outside source as little as possible. With all the experience I have with information gathering, I just personally want to allow as little info farming of me as possible

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  • apunkrockmonk
    Mar 26, 10:06 PM
    Problem I have is timing. Why does Apple continue to release the new iPhone in the summer yet we have to wait months afterwards for the iOS update to take advantage of it? :confused:

    If they were to actually do it this way this year it would be the first time they ever did it that way. Every prior iPhone came with a new iOS

    iPhone - iOS 1
    iPhone 3G - iOS 2
    iPhone 3Gs - iOS 3
    iPhone 4 - iOS 4

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  • netdog
    Jul 30, 04:42 PM
    do you think they'd make it work with cingular and the rest, or do think they'd make their own service like helio?

    I would bet it will come out as GSM initially, though perhaps they will release a CDMA as well.

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  • currentinterest
    Apr 20, 01:34 AM
    I will be buying the next iPhone no matter what it is. My 3GS is getting a little long in the tooth. I am sure Apple will provide something great and the new iOS 5 will rock. My guess is there will be larger screen in a similar form factor, though it will likely be thinner and not have a glass back.

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  • wallpaper graffiti.

  • ~Shard~
    Aug 11, 10:22 AM
    I think to the end user, the difference between Yonah and Merom is minimal.

    It's a speed bump, if anything.

    Quite incorrect actually. The dfifference is not minimal and this isn't just a "speed bump". If you read up on the Yonah and Merom chip architectures, you'll see that that Merom has significant architectural improvements over Yonah, including a 4MB L2 cache and most notably 64-bit support over Yonah's 32-bit support. This is very significant since Jobs is pushing Leopard and its 64-bit goodness. :cool:

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  • lgutie20
    Mar 29, 02:27 PM
    I'd pay a premium for products manufactured in the US.

    Products might be more expensive, but there would be more Americans employed. As much are there is a downside to producing here, there is also an upside.

    Apple's only business is not the US and as things stand right now, people say that a 499 iPad is too expensive. Imagine what it would cost if they didn't manufacture these devices overseas.

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  • mabaker
    Mar 27, 06:57 AM
    For the first time since the introduction of the iPhone Apple Computer is concentrating on the COMPUTER more than the iPhone. I for one hope they will nail Lion. :)

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  • bboucher790
    Apr 20, 01:49 AM
    I'm on the 3GS > iPhone 5 > iPhone 7 upgrade sequence. I'm glad to be on it. I don't like to be a Beta tester. If there is an unseen design flaw (antennagate), it will give Apple a full year to "hopefully" fix the issue. I plan on using this phone without a case, so I don't want any antenna issues. I'm doubtful the iPhone 5 will have a better antenna. The Verizon iPhone has the same issues as the ATT iPhone. If Apple was going to fix it, they would have fixed it then....

    Nov 26, 09:45 AM
    It is inevitable that Mac OS will eventually be more frequently targetted, however I have 'faith' the it is more secure than windows. And if and when the great Mac Virus Outbreak occurs, I'll install AV software, until then. NO.

    Security is vaguely to mildly inconvenient, and worth it in my opinion. The only thing I have faith in is that no OS is truly secure if it has a network connection... that, and the willingness and ability of smart people around the world to steal in new and creative ways.

    I run Norton 11.1.1 on my mac pro, I barely notice the performance hit with this version, unlike previous ones. Only catch is they don't have full 64-bit support (symantec connect site states it is 'coming soon'). But it does protect against phishing sites (not that I need that necessarily).

    One of the most common ways to get malware installed these days is by Rogue AV (popups claim you are 'infected' and tell you to download a free AV app you never heard of to remove it... and bingo you've installed malware). Sophos is not one of these. Point is OS X won't protect users from themselves.

    Apr 20, 12:41 AM
    If you can have a bigger screen without a physically larger device size and weight, then yes, it is necessarily better.

    Agreed. Some people shouldn't speak for everyone...

    Aug 4, 11:41 AM
    Like someone else said, That is exactly my case! I am carefully awaiting a Core 2 Duo version of the iMac. It's the only thing holding me down right now.

    I'm waiting for the Core 2 processors to come out as well. I'm finally replacing my 664MHz P-III (you read that right) that I surf the web with at home. Got my better half to agree to an upgrade, and almost pulled the trigger about 3 weeks ago, but thought I'd wait for the Core 2 Duo iMac to be introduced. That should mean cheaper Core Duo iMacs for me...

    Apr 10, 06:21 PM
    So he is the man. Does he do your taxes?:D

    Nope, but considering the level of math it takes to do taxes, he could :D. Should I ask him if he would do yours for you?

    May 6, 12:21 AM
    This is the most ridiculous thing to appear on the MacRumors front page in quite some time.

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