Monday, May 9, 2011

windows 7 wallpaper landscape

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    Sep 12, 06:27 PM
    Ughh, I really hope that Apple upates this product before releasing it for sale.
    Come one Apple, what about the:
    - TV recording
    - DVD player
    - Built In Storage (Hard Drive)
    - Input for digital cable

    Some analogies:
    - It's like an wireless XBOX 360, except it doesn't play games or DVD's.
    - It's like a networked DVD player, without the DVD player.

    I'd rather spend $300 on almost ANY OTHER electronics product.

    What a disappointment... I guess Apple is just trying to stave off the competition from the media capabilities of Windows Media Center and XBOX.

    I could not disagree more.

    It exceeds the xBox 360 due to the inclusion of HDMI.
    It will play DVD's, for sure, through the desktop server
    It uses the superior FrontRow navigation system
    It has a cleaner appearance than xbox, no power brick, runs quieter and cooler
    Will not crash like the hot running xBox.
    Will be prices slightly cheaper allowing for inclusion on multiple TV's throughout the home
    It does not play games will work in Apple's favor as many parents don't want this feature for their children.

    Digital Cable and TV recording to Hard Disk are handled by the Media SERVER (desktop) using cheap and currently available 3rd party products -- watch for apple to bundle this in the coming year and one half.

    iTV is a winner for sure.

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  • robbieduncan
    Mar 13, 03:50 PM
    None of the studies I have read proposing this, have suggested the sort of ecological impact you are implying. This is pure, unadulterated, BS.

    Indeed. Some existing solar arrays are built on grazing land that is still productive grazing once the array is in place.

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  • motulist
    Sep 12, 03:24 PM
    Does that usb port mean I could hook up a hard drive to the iTV and the drive would be available as a regular data storage drive available to all the computers on my wireless network?

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  • bluap84
    Mar 11, 05:36 AM
    11.31am: The Associated Press has more details on the state of emergency issued at nuclear plant after its cooling system failed:

    Chief cabinet secretary Yukio Edano says the nuclear power plant in Fukushima developed a mechanical failure in the system needed to cool the reactor after it was shut down in Friday's earthquake.

    He said the measure was a precaution and there was no radiation leak at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant. He said the facility was not in immediate danger.


    Thats pretty bloody serious.... eeeek :eek:

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  • Soculese
    Sep 21, 10:58 AM
    If it contains a HDD (a fact I am not entirely convinced of), I doubt it would be used for recording TV shows.

    Programming such a device with a basic remote like the ones Steve Jobs previewed would be near-to-impossible.

    If Apple did introduce the ability to record TV shows (which I also doubt), I believe it would be at the computer, only to be streamed to the iTV later.

    OK, the tivo has a remote, but I NEVER use it to pick programs to record. I use the website to do this. I would think that since the iTV will connect via wireless to your computer that you could do the same with it.

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 21, 12:09 PM
    That's great! I want to put 4GB in my 8-core Mac Pro anyway, so I hope the price lingers there (or maybe even falls a little by the time I can get an octo core). I'd buy now, but I'd rather hold out on the chance that it'll drop a little more, or even on the longshot that they'd change what kind of modules the new machines use.

    I doubt anything with the Mac Pro will change (other than the CPUs) when the 8-core models ship. Intel originally was very committed to using the FB-DIMM type RAM in their systems for the next couple years. However, they have since backtracked on that and said that they will continue to explore other options. Who knows what that means... I thik it means that we'll probably see DDR3 on mid-range systems in '07, probably in notebooks as well at some point mid to late year. But I would guess that for the foreseeable future, FB-DIMM is the standard for Xeon workstations and servers, so Mac Pro and XServer should continue with this type of RAM for a while. When Intel finally shifts to the new 45nm process sometime mid/late next year, then all bets are off as they will need to increase bandwidth for both the RAM and FSB to keep in step with CPU growth.

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  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 11:31 AM
    The modern view of homosexual sex in all the orthodox Christian religions is so tame and simple it's almost boring. It's just premarital sex, which is considered sinful. It's not morally worse than heterosexual premarital sex. And yes, marriage is considered to be between a man and a woman in these religions, so yes, that does really suck for the orthodox gay Christian.

    Even if this were true (and it's demonstrably not true), the whole thing is based on the completely erroneous idea that morality should be dictated by any of our holy books. We do a disservice to humanity by allowing ourselves to remain captive to these bronze age ideals of what is right and wrong.

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  • gauriemma
    Sep 20, 01:48 PM
    This must be a US-centric view. Here (UK) PVRs with twin Freeview (DTT) tuners and 80GB HDs are everywhere. And they are very cheap now (120 quid upwards).

    I'm thinking of ditching my cable provider (NTL, I only get it for Sky One, which is just Simpsons repeats) and going with something like this:

    Apparently you can DL what you record to your Mac (USB). I suspect you'll then be able to play that on iTV.

    That's what we need here in the US. I have a Comcast DVR and I have no way to save any of the programs to my Mac's hard drive. It's getting kind of pointless. The DVR's drive is constantly filled to 85% or more of capacity, and I'm starting to have to delete things that I really would like to have been able to keep. I can't even get the damned programs onto a VHS.

    Does anyone know how to save Comcast DVR 'files' to an iBook?

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  • Rot'nApple
    May 5, 03:40 PM
    Dismissive Title Macrumors!

    Shouldn't that read 'SOME' AT&T Customers Continuing to Experience Excessive Dropped Calls?!

    When Gizmodo leaked the iPhone photos, I talked to a friend with an iPhone 3GS and she has had it for well over a year in my local area, surrounding cities and even states. It is her only phone, no more land line and she loves to talk on the phone. Even before iPhone she was burning up the minutes.

    Anyway, not owning an iPhone myself, but this might be the model I've been waiting for, I asked her again, for her experience using the iPhone on AT&T's network regarding their service and if she had experienced problems, knowing all the complaints we hear and I'm not saying they aren't happening and are not legitimate, but what of my stomping grounds where I'll most likely be using the phone 99 percent of the time... What of it? Her answer...

    No Problemo (in honor of all the illegal aliens celbrating Cinco de Mayo by going to the Los Suns basketball game without any tickets 'cuz Lord knows you can't ask for "Papers Please" err tickets! :D

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  • Sounds Good
    Apr 9, 02:27 PM
    The fact that a Mac notebook normally runs high temps is not a flaw, or "issue" or problem. They are designed to run at such temps. The fact that those who are new to Mac are unfamiliar with this doesn't make it a flaw. They just need to adjust their thinking.
    Adjust their thinking? With all due respect, I hate this type of (fill in the blank).

    So then, if someone can use their Windows laptop on their lap -- while wearing shorts -- without a problem... then they try using a Mac laptop the same way but they burn their legs (or worse)... you would suggest that they just need to adjust their thinking?


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  • skunk
    Apr 24, 06:31 PM
    The text cannot be right on as many scientific reasoning. I've to add that if it was so painful, and the Bible so peaceful, why do some Christians claims that the Quran had copied the Bible? Surely, the Bible would then also be as "warlike"?I would never claim any such thing. If anything, the Quran is more related to the books of the Old Testament, some of which Islam shares, hence the "People of The Book". The Ugaritic chief god, El, of course was the prototype for Yahweh/Jehovah/El/Allah, and the minor gods were kept on as "angels" by all three religions.

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  • takao
    Mar 15, 07:30 AM
    Irresponsible politicking. Trading off the nation's future for the short term expediency of a group of politicians. Disgraceful.

    nuclear power hadn't got a long term future in germany before this event though. the discussion is only about the running time of existing nuclear plants (after all 6 reactors were originally destined to be shut down originally in the 2010-2013 time frame)

    the politicking here will be that after the elections the reactors will be turned _on_ again .. against the will of the voting population

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 14, 09:05 AM
    My opinion: it's time to end the age of light-water cooled pressurized uranium-fueled reactors. There's so many drawbacks to this design it's not funny.

    Meanwhile, the new liquid fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR) is a vastly superior design that offers these advantages:

    1) It uses thorium 232, which is 200 times more abundant than fuel-quality uranium.
    2) The thorium fuel doesn't need to be made into fuel pellets like you need with uranium-235, substantially cutting the cost of fuel production.
    3) The design of LFTR makes it effectively meltdown proof.
    4) LFTR reactors don't need big cooling towers or access to a large body of water like uranium-fueled reactors do, substantially cutting construction costs.
    5) You can use spent uranium fuel rods as part of the fuel for an LFTR.
    6) The radioactive waste from an LFTR generated is a tiny fraction of what you get from a uranium reactor and the half-life of the waste is only a couple of hundred years, not tens of thousands of years. This means waste disposal costs will be a tiny fraction of disposing waste from a uranium reactor (just dump it into a disused salt mine).

    So what are we waiting for?

    Based on just that list I can assume several things. The biggest the LFTR reactors do not produce as much power for a given size because they use less water. They have less heat out put for a given size.

    While good to have them I do not see them being more cost effiective since they more than likely require a fair amount of R&D.
    I know we could get a lot more power out of our current Urainuim power ones in terms of heat energy instead of losing as much to cooling. Also I believe part of the reasons for the huge cooling towers is so less thermal pollution happens.

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  • nagromme
    May 5, 02:35 PM
    I get maybe 1 dropped call a year in a medium-to-large US city (top 50, not top 10!). For all I know it was the other party who dropped. But there are still dead zones that bug me—mostly in rural areas but also in random suburban spots.

    Unfortunately, the other carriers seem to be dead in the same spots!

    And AT&T customer service is miserable. (I’ve never needed customer service for phone stuff, but I have their DSL as well) At the same time, my friends with Sprint and Verizon have horror stories and are itching to switch carriers! Asking which one has worse customer service seems silly when they ALL seem so bad. Not bad every time, but bad often enough that I’d want to change carriers.

    There are no good US carriers in my view :( At least AT&T lets me use voice and data at the same time.

    There seems to be a real split in this thread: people who get lots of dropped calls with the iPhone and people who get none. I haven't had any dropped calls in the two years I've had my iPhone. But there have been many calls that never rang and instead went straight to voicemail.

    I'm wondering if Apple might have produced a slew of defective iPhones, and those are the ones that are dropping calls. It's so strange that people are having such vastly different experiences, regardless of the call area. It sounds more like a hardware/software problem.

    My guess is regional variation—even from neighborhood to neighborhood in the same city. That, and having contacts that use different networks. The drops aren’t necessarily caused from your own end. (One person might talk to a lot of land lines and another might talk to a lot of T-Moble people. If T-Mobile drops calls in that neighborhood, the person might think his iPhone was to blame.) So it’s hard to compare two peoples’ experiences. But it’s easy to know the whole situation isn’t acceptable!

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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 26, 06:44 AM
    ...speculation would indicate that Apple would elect to only use the X5355 and E5345, as they are the only models that support a 1333 MHz front side bus, which is what current Mac Pros use.
    Intel's 5000 chipset runs at both speeds, so nothing would have to change on the hardware to use the 1066 MHz bus.

    Well I'm already finding quite a lot of hesitation over this chip because it will attempt to squeeze too much power through a smaller FSB and create a huge bottleneck in system performance!

    If this is true, maybe it would be better to stick with the current Xeon chips until Clovertown is revised to address this issue.
    You'd be better off with a faster Xeon 5160 for a single-threaded application (or up to 4 single-threaded apps). This is simply due to the clock speed issue - the fastest dual-core is one notch faster than the fastest Clovertown.

    Running multi-threaded or lots of apps, though, the 8 core system will never be *slower* than the 4 core one at the same GHz. Dual 1333 MHz memory busses give a lot of bandwidth....

    The memory bottleneck simply means that on memory-intensive apps the 8 core won't be twice as fast as the 4 core. Probably something like 50% to 75% faster would be expected at the lower end. (Remember that 8 MiB of L2 cache - cache-friendly apps may scream!)

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  • Fgirl
    Apr 6, 09:38 AM
    this is probably the most hilarious thread ive read at MR...
    not trying to insult anyone, but it's like the blind leading the blind...
    'rumors' that you cant do this or you cant do that, LOL, OMG, obviously some people have no idea how to use their own computer!

    i have several pc and mac that i use every day, 3 of each just at this desk im at now. neither is annoying, theyre just different.

    look, the closest analog that i can describe is learning to speak a new language, perhaps french.

    if someone told you dont bother learning to speak a new language because it does no good to say 'yes' or 'fries with that', youd obviously think the guys a fool.
    maybe right now you dont know the words, but you know intuitively that the words are all there. you already know the language works the same, it's just different: 'oui, avec frites'.

    when someone says you cant do this or you cant do that, just imagine a person who's been speaking another language for just a short while, and is trying to advise you as if they were able to speak fluently in the new language.

    i think some people just hold their preference too dearly sometimes, and then insist that anything that falls outside their comfort-zone is annoying.

    that's like saying it's annoying because in another language you have to say 'house white', instead of 'white house', or english is better because you only have 'the' and not 'la' or 'le'... or german is annoying because 'no' sounds like '9'.

    in my opinion nothing is annoying about one or the other, they're just different.
    take control of the situation and become fluent in both.

    approach it with the right frame of mind.
    you either 'want' to learn, or you 'have' to learn.

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  • Backtothemac
    Oct 11, 12:49 PM
    Originally posted by Inhale420

    you gotta be ****ing kidding me. it's so amusing to witness the brainwashed and ignorant roam the earth. yes, i use the latest version of ie and browse these forums 10x faster than whatever mac browser you're using. i only have the default ie on my mac, because there's no point in installing other browsers when you have a pc.

    i also have a hell of an easier time developing for the web using the tabbeb-based version of dreamweaver and coldfusion studio. i export 3ds artwork to flash, and the performance of my 2 year old 1ghz athlon is amazing. and when i'm done with work, I USE MY PC AS A GAME MACHINE. the only reason i have a mac, is because i really want to use them for 2d graphics, but apple really ****ing do something brilliant if they expect me to upgrade.

    so can you explain what you mean by 'not recognizing' windows? that statement made absolutely NO sense. don't be such a bigot.

    And I care why? It doesn't matter how fast you can surf on your PC. I can get around fast enough on my Mac. People who say Mac's are too slow are the same people that never take the time to watch a sunset or spend a day with their kid.

    They are fast enough. They do what they are supposed to do the way they are supposed to do it.

    The don't crash, don't get viruses, and don't look like something from the 1980s!

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  • ct2k7
    Apr 24, 03:34 PM
    I think you'll have to try again here: I have no idea what you are saying.

    Basically, follow the local law until the point where is will cause you to sin AND be in direct violation of the Sharia Law framework.

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 11:37 PM
    Spitzer says it's very rare and FOF are misquoting him and missusing his study.
    FreeState, have you read the note I posted a link to the same video you posted, the one about what Spitzer says about Focus on the Family? I don't know why FOF neglected to mention how rarely sexual-orientation changes. But I think Dobson's organization should have mentioned that rarity.

    Apr 15, 12:47 PM
    Not if you believe HBO! All Roman women were raging lesbians (or at least bi-sexual).
    The hunky men, not so much� *sigh*

    A married woman of high standing was not allowed, but lower classes were. A man or woman could have a man, woman, child or animal if they wished.

    Mar 18, 12:47 PM
    Bust every last one of them AT&T!! :) In fact start with this person.
    LOL for what using 900mb of data last month.........:D

    You people are too much............:)

    I know the road At&t is on, they are trying to make money.

    I posted the lost revenue

    I posted the reason they hate unlimited

    you can make excuse after excuse for At&t bottom line is

    If I have 5gb lets say, then I should be free to use up to 5gb without worry.

    The facts get distorted by deceptive TOS's from At&t and peoples own agendas.

    Agendas on both sides
    The stupid people who use 10's of GB a month to download movies and torrents
    The people who are righteous and like to point fingers and "I told you so"

    I haven't tethered in 6 months.


    Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 06:16 PM
    Everyone, as usual I'm answering posts in a non-chronological order. I'm not ignoring anyone. I need to think hard about what to write about a post by Gelfin. So I may need two or three days to think about it.

    Eraserhead wants peer-reviewed scientific articles, so I'll look for them, too. I already have an article in mind by a secular author named "Spitzer" who helped the American Psychiatric Association normalize homosexuality before he changed his mind about that normalization.

    Meanwhile, please listen to Nicolosi's first answer in video 3 of the first set of videos, the last part of the three-part interview, where he says that homosexuals have a right to live a gay lifestyle ( That doesn't sound like what a brainwasher would say, does it?

    Jul 12, 03:19 AM
    I hate to say it but since I got my macbook black I have been using winxp and not osx. XP runs faster, is compatible with all apps like photoshop and office natively and runs perfectly. I have been very impressed. So impressed that I decided to build a core 2 duo desktop from newegg and I did it for Under $900. Now lets see apple top that pricing. (core 2 duo chip on order from

    Sorry but I think I have lost hope for OS X. I got the media center edition OS with the new computer I am building with dual tuner TV card. Watching tv via my xbox 360 is a dream. Mac will never be able to accomplish this task. Front row sucks.

    If I bought a new mac pro (which I won't because its going to be a rippoff) I would just run XP on it.

    For instance, I got two Radeon 16xPCIe X1600xt supporting crossfire with 512mb ram each from newegg for $120 each. Everything is just cheaper.

    After a while you get to a point in your work where you realize seeing the neat apple OS is just not that important. Not when you can run crappy XP (which sorry to disappoint never crashes) for 1/3rd the price and 4x the speed.

    Comon apple, make a media center mac and figure out a way to use PC graphics cards. After spending $500 on my Radeon 800xt with 256mb ram I wil l NEVER do it again. Not when I can get dual crossfire cards for half the price and 4x the performance.

    I guess I am a half reverse switcher. Using macbook pro but XP only. LOL!
    You are a smart man.
    no sarcasim or anything i'm being serious
    At the end of the day you gotta tell yourself why pay more and get less

    Aug 30, 01:01 AM
    ooooooooooh no is the world coming to a end?

    R-E-L-A-X fello MR peeps :cool:

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