Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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  • BriGuy20
    Oct 8, 09:24 AM
    The only reason I could see this happening is if Apple doesn't roll out the iPhone to other carriers or if it does so late in 2011 or something.

    I could also see Google making more unit sales but with lower revenue (i.e. more low-end units).

    I think the point will be moot because of the gazillion different iterations of hardware manufacturers tacking on their individualized stuff.

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  • Bonte
    Sep 22, 07:47 AM
    Either way, I am still willing to bet for a large family, cable is significantly cheaper (especially when you take into account all the TV watched for "background noise" (such as the food network)).

    Here in Europe we don't have that problem so much but i'm going crazy if i have to watch all the dumb advertising on the US networks, you guys pay much more then just the cable cost. Every 5 minutes there's a commercial brake and the endless repeating of the facts after it. I am willing to pay not to have these annoyances.

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  • theBB
    Sep 12, 07:24 PM
    Does this thing have an Ethernet port, and it apparently does. I'd rather not rely on wireless. Right now I have a VGA cable from my iMac to my TV, so I'd gain something by replacing it with a simple CAT5.

    I'm a bit surprised not to see any USB or FW ports on there though. I was betting on being able to hook up an optional HDD.

    It's got USB.

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  • bigwig
    Oct 27, 06:01 PM
    At the rate SGI is going, I could probably buy SGI myself for whatever is in my pocket within the next year. Talk about a company that failed to follow the industry and adapt with the times.

    Probably true, and quite sad really. SGI was a heck of a company in its day. I'm not sure they could have adapted. Once everybody else abandoned MIPS SGI couldn't afford new processor revisions by themselves, and the false promise that was (and is) Itanium irrevocably doomed them. Itanium basically killed off all the competition when the Unix vendors all hopped on the Itanium bandwagon, and Intel's complete failure to deliver on Itanium's promises looks in hindsight to have been Intel's plan all along. Just think of the performance a MIPS cpu would have were it given the development dollars x86 gets.

    No point in anyone buying them, the only thing keeping them afloat is the few tidbits of technology they've licensed over the years, which is all just about obsolete now anyway.
    SGI's technology isn't so much obsolete (who else sells systems with the capacity of an Altix 4700?) as it is unnecessary. 4 CPU Intel machines do just fine for 99.9% of people these days, and the kind of problems SGI machines are good at solving are a tiny niche. That's not just number crunching, a big SGI machine has I/O capacity that smokes a PC cluster.

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  • H. Flower
    Apr 13, 12:01 AM
    I need more information before I can form an opinion about this.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 28, 04:40 PM
    Is there any advantage or disadvantage (other than future expandability) to getting to 4GB of memory by using 8x512MB versus using 4x1GB?Aparently the answer is "technically yes". See below. I did not know that. But from what they say and a practical point of view the answer is still no.

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 20, 05:19 PM
    It will be interesting 10 years from now to compare the number of viruses that will have occurred on android vs. iOS.

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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 13, 09:43 AM
    Part of the reason established IT folk feel so threatened by Apple.


    OMG I almost fell out of my chair cracking up when I saw this last statement. That just goes to show just how much you DON'T know. IT professional don't feel threatened at all by Apple. Its just the opposite. After Apple dropped the Xserve and delivered us a Macbook Pro Early 2011 that requires its own special build of OSX most IT professionals are rethinking the Apple strategy all together. I know here and a lot of places are moving away from XServes into the Windows world. If you want to see real Mac IT professionals check out the JAMF Casper User Forum. Some of the brightest Mac admins in world. We are all pretty much in the same boat. Apple is making our jobs harder and making it harder for us to justify getting Macs for our customers. Thank God for a company like JAMF because Apple hasn't given any of its IT supporters tools to support the environment. Unlike lets say... Microsoft. :rolleyes: How great is it when a VP comes up to you and says we need 50 copies of X software but we can only get it from the AppStore. Apple doesn't care about the IT world or its corp. user base.

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  • CaoCao
    Mar 24, 11:01 PM
    Perhaps I missed something but these all appear to be acts of violence against homosexuals. Don't get me wrong, they are horrible acts but I believe that CaoCao specifically stated acts motivated by mainstream Catholicism.

    exactly, subtract the gangs, the mentally unstable, the non-Catholics and the inconclusively because the victim was homosexual and see where we are

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  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Mar 18, 06:04 PM
    Apple's "fix" for this is fairly simple. Send the files in an ecrypted form. In order to maximize caching, use a common key that all iTunes clients have built-in, sort of like DVDs and CES. The client can then decrypt with the common key and re-encrypt with the DRM key.Don't iTMS and iTunes already do this?According to wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FairPlay#How_it_works), that's right...

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  • bentmywookie
    Mar 18, 03:44 PM
    I can't see anything really wrong with this program.
    You still have to buy the music!

    The labels need to get over trying to shove this DRM crap down our throats.
    It will never work! This has been demostrated time and time again.

    Of course Apple will shut it down soon.

    Well put - I can't believe some people actually wrote "hopefully Apple will fix/shut this down soon" - do you enjoy having usage of your music crippled? I certainly don't.

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  • arkitect
    Apr 15, 11:22 AM
    By hateful things, you're talking about people like the Westboro Baptist Church and their picket signs, right?

    Certainly you don't mean, say, this from the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

    2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. [They do not choose their homosexual condition; for most of them it is a trial.] This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

    You may not agree with that, but if you find it "hateful", you've basically decided to check out of any possibility of rational argument.
    So there is no big




    You are just being disingenuous. I think you just did not quote the part that says it is only OK with the Catholic church if gay men and women do not give physical expression to their gay "inclinations".

    the difficulties they may encounter from their condition
    Makes it sound like leprosy…

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  • lom8104
    Sep 12, 04:12 PM
    So would "iTV" run OS X or just Front Row? What kind of processor? Old PowerPC's perhaps?

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  • takao
    Mar 15, 08:20 PM
    If they really can afford to take them off the grid, then why are they running? Perhaps they are sewlling the enegry to other countries and don't want to lose the revenue? Or maybe the German government is unwilling to remove a domestic power-producing option in favor of fuels they have to import from elsewhere?

    An intersting situation.

    germany is an electricity exporting country so they were "makin' teh moneys" ;)

    some now other infos i have gathered: 2 of those power plants which 'had been shut down' actually have been powered down since more than half a year anyway (as initially planed in the 2002 nuclear law compromise contract) but haven't been started up for the CDU/FDP coaltion plan to prolong their use

    2 reactors are already confirmed by the local governments as being shut of for good (Isar1,Neckarwestheim I) and the chances for Brunsb�ttel and Biblis ,which haven't exactly spotless records, are more or less considered also to be 0% unless a miracle happens

    Baden-W�rttembergs ministers Stefan Mappus seems to have been moved rather personally: last year he was one of the main supporters of prolonging the running times of the reactors and lobbying for more nuclear power: now he already took one plant off for good and during the speech in the local goverment of BW he showed to be obviously rather moved talking about "many strong personal beliefs shaken" "the question of responsibility of nuclear power ... even for me personally" etc.

    it might very well be that this event could be the final nail in the coffin for nuclear power in the CDU. A majority party simply can't support a position which 80+% of all german voters oppose.

    edit: a note to add: in germany similar to other countries the local governments of the 'states' are responsible for allowing power suppliers to operate nuclear plants...
    in the 2002 nuclear law building new commercial nuclear power plants was forbidden by law ... not that after 1986 building a new plant turned incredible difficult/next to impossible anyway

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  • iMeowbot
    Sep 26, 12:01 AM
    But seriously how many cores does anyone REALLY need?
    Software makers are in for a rude shock here. One big thread is nearly obsolete today, and even the common one-big-lump-with-little-ancillary-threads model is going to start looking tired fast. I hope that everyone is up to the job, this is something people have been avoiding for as long as multiprocessors were still uncommon, expensive beasts.

    So say I’m using my 8-core Mac Pro for CPU intensive digital audio recording. Would I be able to assign two cores the main program, two to virtual processing, two to auxiliary “re-wire” applications, and two to the general system? If so, I guess I need to hold out on my impending Mac Pro purchase!
    Most likely you'll have about as much control over this as you have over memory, which is to say, not a lot. It will be up to the OS to schedule things in a smart way.

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  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 28, 07:52 AM
    Very true. Plus it could be a fad to own the latest toy. We won't know until some time passes. Anything new from Apple gets a lot of attention.

    Wait til the newness wears off.

    Well you have a point there. The iPod was a so-called fad too. It took 8 or 9 years for it to wear off and see fickle consumers switch to the next fad, the iPhone and iPad. The iPad-like devices may be a fad but it's likely to die out b/c a it's replaced by a next gen device rather than boredom. Apple is already showing it's cards in melding OS X with hints of iOS.

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  • janstett
    Sep 12, 05:46 PM
    Ah, now this is what I've been waiting for: the Airport Express for video, plus a little bit more. If it were shipping today, I'd high-tail it to the Apple Store and buy one. But given a few months to think about the $299 price tag, we shall see if that feeling holds up.

    These types of devices have existed for years (UPnP Digital Media Adapters). I wonder if this will be UPnP compatible, probably not -- Rendevous pretty much a UPnP alternative.

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  • dAlen
    Apr 13, 08:56 AM
    Here are videos of the event... that way you can pretty much 'see' for yourself what it does or doesnt do.




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  • paradox00
    Oct 7, 05:26 PM
    Yes, I have. Several times. Things have changed, but the base premise of the article still applies - Microsoft Got Lucky - there is no way to suggest that Apple can pull that off in this day in age when the world depends too much on Microsoft. The article deals with past actions affecting the present. Its very relevant. Its point is that MS got successful because of how it parlayed successes over time, not because it embraced an "open strategy". They did that years ago. Read the whole thing. Grueber makes a point that still applies today because marketshare in the OS world has changed very little.

    I'm sorry OSX market share would most definitely go up. From a business perspective though it would would be a terrible move, you are right about that. Profits would drop as Apple would get next to nothing from the sale of software only. The market share of OSX would drop once Apple went bankrupt.

    Allowing greater access to your product almost always leads to larger sales volumes, but it isn't always in your best interest.

    Mar 25, 12:32 PM
    You misspeak and mischaracterize.

    This is a thread on the Vatican correct? So far as I know, the Vatican is the leadership hierarchy for the Catholic Church. Please correct me if that's not right.

    A conservative member of this board has already narrowed the discussion from "hate" to "specific acts of violence linked diretly to the catholic church". A distinction that gives a massive amount of "stretch" and eliminates things like a Roman Catholic pastor in Texas comparing homosexuals to rapists or Mexican catholic priests fomenting hate in the wake of a same-sex marriage bill. And yet we are working within his narrowed definition.

    I can't and don't speak for that member. I've already presented my views on why I think that speech is different from physical acts.

    Mar 18, 09:10 AM
    ATT isn't stealing anything. And they are giving you unlimited data on your phone and your phone only because THAT is what you agreed to.

    May 2, 11:36 AM
    Huge difference in my experience. The Windows UAC will pop up for seemingly mundane things like opening some files or opening applications for the first time, where as the OS X popup only happens during install of an app - in OS X, there is an actual logical reason apparent to the user. It is still up to the user to ensure the software they are installing is from a trusted source, but the reason for the password is readily apparent.

    It pops up when I open Steam. "Steam would now like to auto-update itself, enter your password". Same for all my "auto-updating" apps that are installed system wide.

    This conditions the user as much.

    Though looking for information on this MacDefender, I'm genuinely curious how the installer "pop-ups". I haven't found anything interesting. Since Archive utility doesn't honor absolute paths in a Zip, how does the little bugger get launched ?

    I don't see any preferences in Archive Utility to allow automatic execution depending on what gets extracted. Some posts on the net seem to the suggest that Archive Utility will auto-execute a .pkg that is found in an archive. If that is true, that is a serious concern. I guess I'll just have to actually find this zip file and download it to inspect it.

    Oct 8, 12:49 AM
    If the day comes when an Android phone is as good as an iPhone, then it will be the service provider that will be the tipping point. AT&T better get their act together!

    Donut has just been released this month.

    Next year will see the release of Eclair and Flan. There will also be many Android handsets that use the Snapdragon processor, which has more than enough speed to handle Android with the same fluidity as the 3GS.

    The Snapdragon processor is an ARM design similar to the Cortex A9 (two-issue out-of-order) and starts at 1GHz, but uses less power as it includes the baseband processor. There are already handsets shipping using it, not Android ones yet.

    With three Android handset makers in stores now (Samsung, HTC, Huawei) and three more in stores before Christmas (LG, Acer and Motorola), Android is moving fast.

    Competition is a good thing! Look how cool all these gadgets we all have in our pockets now, and think how neat they are going to be in just another 18 months!

    Apple would be very sensible to add a $2 1700MHz power amplifier that works with T-Mobile USA, and end exclusivity in that market to promote competition.

    Oct 8, 11:54 AM
    The point you had said before was that the reason x86 sucked was that it was 25 year old technology.
    For all purposes I think the PPC is a fast architecture, BUT and here is the but lets say the factor is 1.2 or 1.3, or 2.0 (for BACKTOTHEMAC) All that was well and fine when the clock speed was not a HUGE gap as it is today. Now I have the fastest Single Proc and my 933 is NOT NOT NOT the same speed as a 1.8PV or Athlon 1800+ Also, the 933 was offered by Apple only a few months ago, where a 1.8 can be had in the low end lines on the PC world where the iMac is supposed to compete.

    My 933 on the 133 bus is only going to do so much. With the 933 they increased the pipelines(just like PV to scale MHZ) and increased the cache. As far as speed, I think Windows itself is fast software(2K and XP, and the x86 as an entire arch is fast (SYS, MEM, CPU, etc) It may not be the most effecient, or crash proof but who cares, its 2-3X in terms of speed FASTER(Machine speed, not actual). OSX.x may never be as fast as its Microsoft counterpart, but the services and UI are of greater importance.

    Also, while intel released 3.0GHZ and new tech after new tech, are you still going to say Apples newest offering in 4 months say (Dual 1.4, with 2 SUPERDRIVES, or some other goodie to direct you away from its slow speed increase) is going to keep up?

    Face it, as it stands x86 is CHEAPER, and FASTER, BUT I avoid PC's at all costs. 1. I live in Cupertino (Home of Apple) 2. I am more than an Apple user, I am a fan of its products.

    This is an Apple site, and I am on an Apple as we speak, but I will not fall for the fallacious arguments you are trying to make

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