Tuesday, May 10, 2011

wallpaper yankees

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  • matticus008
    Mar 20, 09:01 PM
    As I understand it, the issue of using music in your wedding video has nothing to do with breaking DRM, but instead with violating copyright. Even you get the music off of a CD, it would still be illegal.

    That was a poor example, I admit. The wedding video situation is fairly complicated, depending on whether you're selling the video (which doesn't seem to be the case) and on the manner in which the song is used. If the song is played in the background by a DJ and it winds up in your video, there's not really an issue. Putting it in in the editing process would fall under fair use for private viewing, but because it's something you're sending out, I can't say off the top of my head whether this is also fair use. You are protected under the law for making mix tapes and CDs, even if you give them away in small numbers. If you make a wedding video and send out two or three copies, I believe this is still considered private viewing. If you send out the video to more than a handful of wedding guests, then you are redistributing and have to obtain permission.

    wallpaper yankees. wallpapers NY Yankees
  • wallpapers NY Yankees

  • trip1ex
    Apr 25, 07:11 PM
    I found it easy to move to Mac. I picked it up very quickly. I guess I just thought in terms of what I wanted to do in English and then searched the internets/mac for the command.

    Also lot of it was easy because I found the Mac to be well organized and streamlined.

    Not alot of tedious or unecessary clicks. Nothing seems to be as buried as it is in Windows.

    The biggest thing I don't like about OSX is the tiny buttons and scrollbars and windows that can come up. Like the Finder Viewing Options window.

    I find Windows easier to use in that aspect. Bigger buttons are just easier to mouse over and click. May look less refined, but easier to work with.

    wallpaper yankees. New York Yankees 8 Wallpaper
  • New York Yankees 8 Wallpaper

  • ChocolateOne
    Jun 4, 09:57 PM
    Not sure this is a good test...

    I'm beginning to see that while ATT is the bigger culprit, the iphone itself may play a role in what happens with dropped calls...

    My service (as is well documented in these forums) at home was/is terrible.

    I recently purchased the microcell, from ATT, and I can now make calls in my house!! Except, when I move exactly 20 feet away from the microcell into my kitchen, my iPhone struggles with itself to pick up the 2 bar distant tower that was the guilty party in dropping my calls... so now, in my house iPhone juggles between a 5 bar microcell and a 1-2 bar tower (which still drops calls). It also drops every call that I'm on if i leave my house during a call, or arrive at my house during a call.

    I have reset the network settings on iphone, to no avail...

    Before this week and the microcell experiment, I wouldnt have said this, but I honestly believe that the software that drives the phone is playing a huge part in how the phone handles tower switches, and thus is a culprit in the dropped call phenomena.

    I agree cause my blackberry Bold 9700 never drops calls and i am everywere in the northwest.

    wallpaper yankees. Yankee#39;s Fire Live Wallpaper
  • Yankee#39;s Fire Live Wallpaper

  • wpwj40e
    Sep 12, 05:52 PM
    ABout the only real use I saw for thi sdevice was for the stuff Ihave recorded form elgato 500. Sinc eit dumps it into my itunes library - theoretically I should be able to access it. However, 5 gig files streaming are simply not pretty - and I do not want 640 * 480 on my HDTV.

    WHile I "get" the direction of this product - I am not sure where its marketing position is at. Most can easily buy an upconverting DVD player for around $50-60 - connect to their TV and buy tons of movies (and own them) at 10-15.

    Much higher resolution - no streaming issues...in fact for the average user this is a MUCH easier solution than downloading a movie - figuring out how to enable their various "apple" wireless devices to talk, connecting this box to the TV and dealing with any streaming hiccups....And they also get a much higher resolution - filling up their whole widescreen. Most users already complain about the black bars across the top and bottom - can you hear it when the entire "dvd download" is letterboxed?

    I really wanted to like today's announcmeents - and now am just confused.

    wallpaper yankees. NY Yankees - ny, series,
  • NY Yankees - ny, series,

  • hobo.hopkins
    Apr 15, 09:32 AM
    I couldn't agree more with this initiative. I'm so glad that a group of employees would be willing to do this on their own time. Bravo!

    wallpaper yankees. yankees live wallpaper
  • yankees live wallpaper

  • NathanMuir
    Mar 13, 01:42 PM
    Roscoe Wind Farm, which is the largest wind farm in the world, provides only 781.5 MW of power while Fukushima I for example, provides 4.7 GW (over six times as much). That wind farm takes 400km^2 so a wind farm that could replace the Fukushima I would take 2400km^2.

    The largest solar power plant provides only 97 MW so even worse.

    Hence why I said in 'larger part' and not 'exclusively'.

    wallpaper yankees. New York Yankees Wallpaper 2
  • New York Yankees Wallpaper 2

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 12:23 PM
    No. I am not blaming my confusion on semantics� ;)

    So, according to your interpretation of the CCC:
    unmarried straight couples are having "sinful" sex.
    unmarried same-sex couples are having "sinful" sex.
    married (but not in a church) straight couples are having sinful sex.
    married (but not in a church) same-sex couples are having sinful sex.
    married (Catholics) are having sinful sex, if not purely for reproduction.
    Which leaves us with�
    married (Catholics) are having righteous sex, but only if for reproduction.

    Such fun!

    Your list is almost right, but one thing to clarify, it's not "only for reproduction". Merely that it has to be open to the possibility of reproduction - i.e., no contraception. Also note that doesn't mean infertile people can't have sex. It just means the nature of the act itself isn't being deliberately subverted.

    Catholics are not puritans and the sensual nature of sex is celebrated as well as the procreative nature.

    wallpaper yankees. Yankee#39;s Fire Live Wallpaper
  • Yankee#39;s Fire Live Wallpaper

  • OllyW
    Apr 21, 03:06 AM
    Its amazing how all those "smart" Android users are still poorer than the average iOS user, and spend less than the average iOS user.

    Amazing that all these "smart" people just make so much less money...

    At least they don't have to worry about other people thinking they are smug arrogant tosspots. :rolleyes:

    wallpaper yankees. Yankees Jersey Wallpaper
  • Yankees Jersey Wallpaper

  • Eraserhead
    Mar 14, 03:53 AM
    Superb. Replace one fuel reliance on the Middle East with another. Genius idea.

    If you want to transport goods with electricity the main off the shelf technology to do that is trains, and to go to India, China and South East Asia from Europe you're going to need to do a deal with at least Iran, Pakistan and possibly Russia, and to go to South America (with a short plane/boat hop across the atlantic at the narrowest point) you're going to need to work with multiple countries in Africa.

    Additionally if the US wants to transport goods with electricity from Asia barring some new technology they are going to need to do a deal with the Russians.

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  • psp sports wallpapers

  • AceCoolie
    Mar 18, 11:09 AM
    I want to jail break my iphone 4 and install mifi. The reason is to create a mobile router that my iPad and camera can connect to so that images shot my camera will appear on my iPad. This will not involve any data going to the internet. Is this a violation of my ATT agreement? Will then even be able to tell I'm doing it?

    wallpaper yankees. Yankees logo Wallpaper for
  • Yankees logo Wallpaper for

  • goobot
    Apr 20, 06:08 PM
    did anyone ask anything about hspa+?

    wallpaper yankees. Yankees iPhone Wallpaper
  • Yankees iPhone Wallpaper

  • Benjamins
    Apr 20, 08:01 PM
    People should drop the Ferrari analogy, because it's totally off the mark. Ferrari is better than pretty much anything else, on almost every aspect you can think of, except size.

    An iPhone isn't better than an Android phone on all aspects, it's better in certain ones and worse in others. Overall I prefer Apple's ecosystem when it comes to personal computing, and when it comes to cellphones, I just bought an iPhone (1st gen) because I'm an Apple user anyway, and it seemed pretty amazing in 2007 when Jobs introduced it, and I'm still using my 1st gen.

    unless you really really want widgets and Flash, otherwise I can't think of anything better on Android.

    Btw: my Prius gets much better gas mileage than a Ferrari. :)

    wallpaper yankees. -yankees-mobile-wallpaper
  • -yankees-mobile-wallpaper

  • Tulse
    Mar 19, 01:09 PM
    I find it rather surprising how blindly people here defend Apple, even after seeing how they remove your rights little by little. How many times can you burn your iTunes-songs to CD? It used to be ten times. But Apple reduced it to seven.
    As I recall, the limit is on how many times you can burn a specific playlist. You can burn a song an unlimited number of times. This is a big difference.

    manu chao said:If you go to a concert, theatre play, any kind of performance or into any of fee-charging class or course and smuggle yourself in through some kind of backdoor without paying for the ticket or the course, did you steal anything?
    This is an excellent analogy, manu chao. Everybody knows that it is wrong to sneak into a movie theatre, but for some reason people think it is OK to copy music illegally. It is just bizarre.

    It seems to me that the issue is pretty darned simple -- as a potential user of iTMS you know what the rules are. If you don't want to abide by the rules, don't use the service. Any talk of "it's actually helping Apple" or "it's my music to do with as I want" is just self-justifying bull. If you don't like the rules, don't play. It's really that simple.

    wallpaper yankees. New York Yankees Wallpaper
  • New York Yankees Wallpaper

  • GGJstudios
    May 2, 05:21 PM
    A few people need to stop being so short sighted in trying to meticulously defend the idea of "no viruses on Macs". Ultimately it's a rather hollow ideal to uphold because uninitiated users accept it as gospel and it doesn't encourage them to adopt safe computer practices.
    It's not an "idea" that there are no viruses in the wild that run on Mac OS X; it's a fact. Whether malware is a virus or trojan is important, because it determines what defense is required. Rather than lump everything together and erroneously call it a virus, it's more helpful to properly identify what kind of threat it is, so users know how best to handle it. Even in the absence of viruses, safe computer practices are always encouraged, such as not pirating software or downloading codecs or plug-ins from disreputable sites. In fact, it's more helpful to encourage safe computing practices than to recommend antivirus apps, which can give a user a false sense of security.

    wallpaper yankees. mlb wallpaper yankees.
  • mlb wallpaper yankees.

  • Heilage
    Apr 15, 09:48 AM
    yeah that is kind of been my issue with this at well. They focus on the LGBT community but complete side track what I am willing to be is a larger group of striaght kids who get bullied and have long term emotional problems from bullies. That be the fact kids, kids with random disability or just easy targets for one reason or another but they are straight so they do not get focuses on by the media..

    I'm a straight, white, middle class kid. And even I felt that was relevant to my own life and experiences. While they specifically talk about being gay, the message of how to deal with hardships when you grow up is still relevant.

    wallpaper yankees. NY Yankees Wallpapers This app
  • NY Yankees Wallpapers This app

  • NewSc2
    May 5, 01:58 PM
    Two weeks ago my service was flaking out. Couldn't make calls or get to 3G all day. Wasn't too happy. Wentthe AT&T store to go vent and the hottest clerk, I have ever seen, was working. She was so hot, she should have been over at VS in VS modellling something for me. wink, wink. nudge, nudge. ;) She said they were working on a go-live of 12 new towers. The engineers had screwed up the configs. So the new towers and some of the old towers weren't playing nice with network. I live in mostly Verizon country. AT&T has been making improvements out the whaz. They finalized the deal for Centennial Wireless. Alot of those towers flipped to ATT recently. So for me, my piece of the network got bigger & better. Now mind you this girl was so good looking she could have told me to set my iPhone on fire and I would have given it serious consideration. It seems like AT&T is trying to act like it cares. So back to mis hottie. I asked for her phone number. ANd she told me, 1-800-331-0500. I think she likes me.

    :D:p:D lol

    wallpaper yankees. Yankees Show Screensaver 1.0
  • Yankees Show Screensaver 1.0

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 20, 05:42 PM
    Exactly. Android doesn't have the IBM that give them the PC market.

    Verizon was Android's IBM but now iPhone is now on vz.

    So you are insulting all Apple users as those who "don't know what you're doing with your own devices."

    Perhaps you didn't realize MILLIONS of Android users downloaded malware.

    I have used an HTC desire. Threw it away; got a Nexus S. Bloody awesome one. But I couldn't use it for much. But...

    The application quality literally sucks on android. It's pathetic. Way too reboots and unstable phone. Android is LAGGY on the nexus S. The experience is poor.

    I now have a trophy 7 and I love it. :)

    Some OR most of the fans are abusive and are too much into google. Don't realize its an iOS ripoff and a fragmented experience. Nuff said.

    wallpaper yankees. yankees iphone wallpaper
  • yankees iphone wallpaper

  • macenforcer
    Jul 12, 12:17 AM
    I hate to say it but since I got my macbook black I have been using winxp and not osx. XP runs faster, is compatible with all apps like photoshop and office natively and runs perfectly. I have been very impressed. So impressed that I decided to build a core 2 duo desktop from newegg and I did it for Under $900. Now lets see apple top that pricing. (core 2 duo chip on order from buy.com)

    Sorry but I think I have lost hope for OS X. I got the media center edition OS with the new computer I am building with dual tuner TV card. Watching tv via my xbox 360 is a dream. Mac will never be able to accomplish this task. Front row sucks.

    If I bought a new mac pro (which I won't because its going to be a rippoff) I would just run XP on it.

    For instance, I got two Radeon 16xPCIe X1600xt supporting crossfire with 512mb ram each from newegg for $120 each. Everything is just cheaper.

    After a while you get to a point in your work where you realize seeing the neat apple OS is just not that important. Not when you can run crappy XP (which sorry to disappoint never crashes) for 1/3rd the price and 4x the speed.

    Comon apple, make a media center mac and figure out a way to use PC graphics cards. After spending $500 on my Radeon 800xt with 256mb ram I wil l NEVER do it again. Not when I can get dual crossfire cards for half the price and 4x the performance.

    I guess I am a half reverse switcher. Using macbook pro but XP only. LOL!

    wallpaper yankees. New York Yankees 10 Wallpaper
  • New York Yankees 10 Wallpaper

  • eric_n_dfw
    Mar 20, 08:18 AM
    The "Apple first" nuts in this thread are the the ones that give the Mac community a bad name. "Digital rights management" blows.Excuse me?!?!

    I, sir, am a NeXT nut! It just so happens that Apple currently owns them! ;)

    Seriously, though, Apple's in a tough spot - they currently have the most permissive form of DRM that the record companies will allow. Remember, also, that they took a lot of flack from said companies when the iPod originally came out because the only copy protection on it is that the music files are in a hidding folder to make it harder to copy from one Mac/PC to another. (something easily defeated though) DRM does suck - but it's "not that bad" and CD's are cheap enough that you can rip 'em for near the same cost. The biggest problem I have with iTMS is that the files are compressed. Some tracks need higher bitrates (thus I buy them). But for 90% of the music out there, it's good enough.

    Don't confuse Apple fanaticism with people who just want the facts kept straight: iTMS TOS says you must use iTunes to purchase music from it - use anything else and you've broken that agreement. The arguement (at least from me) would be exactly the same if it was MTV, Dell or WalMart's music store's TOS in question.

    I seriously think that if every Linux user would just send an email to Apple every time they bought a track off another service or bought a CD when they would have done so on iTMS but couldn't, that they'd get the hint.

    Aug 29, 02:08 PM
    Apple has released a statement regarding the findings and it is just as realiable as Greenpeace's.

    Besides, I said that Apple is doing what they can.

    ### "what they can"? ..and that's enough for you? That's what every company says. If we don't shift our values...we won't be here to debate them anymore! Geez. God I glad I'm in europe now. US values are sooo f'd up. Apple should be a leader in socially responsible business practices. *I* would pay more for their products as I do for Patagonia, etc.

    Mar 12, 08:07 AM
    Nuclear energy is substantially better for the environment, countries like china however continue to use coal as they main source of energy because they have tons of it and it's cheaper than making the foray into building nuclear plants. Which inevitably results in poor air quality all over the country.

    Er,China leads the world in Nuclear generation design (not that I'm saying this is a good thing).

    Sep 22, 07:47 AM
    Either way, I am still willing to bet for a large family, cable is significantly cheaper (especially when you take into account all the TV watched for "background noise" (such as the food network)).

    Here in Europe we don't have that problem so much but i'm going crazy if i have to watch all the dumb advertising on the US networks, you guys pay much more then just the cable cost. Every 5 minutes there's a commercial brake and the endless repeating of the facts after it. I am willing to pay not to have these annoyances.

    May 5, 01:58 PM
    Two weeks ago my service was flaking out. Couldn't make calls or get to 3G all day. Wasn't too happy. Wentthe AT&T store to go vent and the hottest clerk, I have ever seen, was working. She was so hot, she should have been over at VS in VS modellling something for me. wink, wink. nudge, nudge. ;) She said they were working on a go-live of 12 new towers. The engineers had screwed up the configs. So the new towers and some of the old towers weren't playing nice with network. I live in mostly Verizon country. AT&T has been making improvements out the whaz. They finalized the deal for Centennial Wireless. Alot of those towers flipped to ATT recently. So for me, my piece of the network got bigger & better. Now mind you this girl was so good looking she could have told me to set my iPhone on fire and I would have given it serious consideration. It seems like AT&T is trying to act like it cares. So back to mis hottie. I asked for her phone number. ANd she told me, 1-800-331-0500. I think she likes me.

    :D:p:D lol

    Apr 10, 12:18 PM
    Yeah that is why they have the top selling game on console in COD and the top selling game on PC in WOW :rolleyes:

    That being said, I would love to see games like the old school RPG FF games or even starcraft type games.
    Those would own on the ipads and work pretty well on the iphone/ipods as well

    Uh, they have Final Fantasy 1-III on the iPhone :) (III is the most expensive game I've seen on the iphone, 16 bux!). I'm working on II right now (then going to try I and got a few more games so waiting for III to be on sale or for when I finish the other games, whichever comes first).

    I'm just hoping they eventually get to VII (that they find porting these over to iOS is worth doing more Final Fantasy's on it). Shoot, maybe if they keep going by number, they can get X on an iphone (maybe by that time the hardware will be able to handle that?).

    And I'd love to see Lunar Star Story on the iphone. That would be pretty awesome too. Or Breath of Fire IV. There's a ton of old rpgs that would do great on the iphone. And touch screen wouldn't be too bad of an interface for the old style rpgs either. Actually, for old style rpgs, touch screen would have advantages (no scrolling through lists, just pick it out with your finger).

    Personally, I'd just be happy with them porting over the popular games to the iphone that are on other platforms. I honestly think for me the iPhone is the best portable player cause it is with me everywhere (so with the amount of games I am finding on it now even I'd probably not be really tempted to buy the other handhelds. The iphone being so portable gives it a major plus compared to the more dedicated handheld game systems. Now a console, that would be different).

    I do think that it does have one issue, that since it is my phone as well, it is kind of annoying I have to worry about keeping some battery life so I still have my phone (For example using it on a plane flight I still need to have a usable phone at the end of the flight).

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