Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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  • g.fabian
    Apr 9, 09:54 AM
    Great news. Bring on more Infinity Blade-esque games! :D

    Ehh.. I was pretty geeked out about how stunning the graphics were but to be honest, they need to come out with a peripheral controller or SOMEthing because with the touchscreen, the dynamic of the games are SOOOO limited..

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  • gopher
    Oct 7, 11:39 AM
    Originally posted by Backtothemac
    These test that this guy puts up are crap! The Athlon is overclocked to be a 2100+, none of the systems have the most current OS. I personally have seen great variations in his tests over the years, and personally, I don't buy it. Why test for single processor functions? The Dual is a DUAL! All of the major Apps are dual aware, as is the OS!

    Try that with XP Home.

    Well so can the G4 be overclocked. So what's your point? Big whoop, overclock all you like, but we are talking about systems sold by manufacturers. To learn more about overclocking Macs, visit http://www.xlr8yourmac.com/

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  • nagromme
    Aug 29, 11:58 AM
    A lot of people seem to believe Greenpeace has fabricated their data. (Which would be pretty stupid since it can be checked!) But if so, why not put Dell at the bottom for publicity purposes? That makes more sense than Acer if this is all lies instead of research.

    And I don't see people offering their OWN research :rolleyes: People are just saying Greenpeace is lying because they WANT it to be lies.

    I sympathize. I want Apple AND the rest to be at the top of the scale. I want it all to be lies.

    But wanting something is not enough to change reality.

    Luckily, there IS something that can change reality: ACTUAL change. THAT is what will make the Greenpeace-phobes right: when Apple and the others change to become what you wish they already were. We all wish it, and I believe it will happen. Recognizing the problems is an unpleasant but necessary step on the way.

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  • prograham
    Oct 25, 10:42 PM
    Well based on nothing really except I've been using apple a long time, worked in their retail stores for a while, and know how they like to be cutting edge (yet dependable and pretty), I'd say count on 8 cores for xmas. Maybe not november, but maybe so. I think the thought alone of HP and Dell releasing prosumer workstations with 8 cores leaving Apple behind when Vista launches is just too much to let slide for Apple.

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 23, 10:46 AM
    This is just a form of soldier conditioning. Don't fool yourself into thinking we don't do this to our own soldiers. That's why we get them when they are young 18 year olds who are impressionable and tell them they are doing this for "god and country". The good wolves will "go to heaven" protecting the sheep. "God Speed" in their mission. Being sent out to get blown up by an IED is as cannon fodderish as strapping one to your chest. The only difference is that the latter tactic is used in times of despiration against an overwhelmingly powerful enemy. Just like Kamakazis, Viet Cong, etc. And now these ppl make our TV's and clothing. ;)

    And that's why its so hard for "Atheists" to "come out" in the military, eh? Look past the surface and the exact words (heaven, prayers, freedom, hero...use whatever words you want) and the concept is still the same. Even the CIA told the Afghans during the cold war that they will "go to god" if they die fighting the Russians. It's funny when you see some white dude surrounded by turbaned ppl saying this in those old videos. Believe what you want but in a sense, we do "brainwash" our troops. And to good effect, because it makes them do their job willingly and better. And it gives them comfort when they know they will die taking a bullet for oil.

    In my short time serving in the Canadian military, I had not seen this. There was a rather flexible chaplain who served the religious needs of several faiths but most soldiers were left to stew in their own thoughts.

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  • Clive At Five
    Aug 29, 12:59 PM
    Yeah, cause you just HAVE to hunt whales and eat whalemeat in Norway in order to survive, such a poor country with poor people. How dare Greenpeace oppose your ancient way of life?

    Have you read what you just wrote? Who said anything about hunting whales? Eating whale meat? Or being poor?

    No one.

    Conclusion? You're bigoted.

    There's no denying that Greenpeace is further towards "Extremist" than towards "Moderate." That's the jist of what he's saying, and he's right.


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  • Intuit
    Apr 21, 06:09 AM
    I got to back chrono up I know tons of ways viruses can hide in windows. Here's a few.

    Setting visibility to hidden.
    Using file names that look like legitimate software.
    editing the registry to disable 'show hidden folders'.
    Registering the virus as a service.
    Software level root kit using api hooks to modify the result of system calls.
    Hardware level root kit changing the system itself.
    .dll injection to force another process to run your code.

    The entire window messaging system is insecure you can delete everything displayed in the process list of Task manager for example.

    some of these techniques will make a virus completely invisible so don't bash

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  • jimbobb24
    Apr 9, 07:51 PM
    Real games aren't played on an iDevice. Say what you want, it's true at the moment. No need to look into the future..........cause you don't know what it holds. And if you do tell me if i'll be at work Monday please! (Gov worker)

    "real games"? What does that mean?

    Don't you guys get paid whether or not it all gets shut down? Its crazy - why didn't Obama make a budget last year when they had the House and Senate? All very weird/incompetent.

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  • Cameront9
    Apr 9, 10:07 PM
    Nintendo will go out of business before they sell themselves to ANYONE. They're a proud Japanese company that's been around since 1889. They aren't going anywhere.

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  • gopher
    Oct 9, 08:41 AM
    Originally posted by alex_ant

    Haven't we been over this before?

    Maybe we have, but nobody has provided compelling evidence to the contrary. The Mac hardware is capable of 18 billion floating calculations a second. Whether the software takes advantage of it that's another issue entirely. If someone is going to argue that Macs don't have good floating point performance, just look at the specs. If they really want good performance and aren't getting it they need to contact their favorite developer to work with the specs and Apple's developer relations. Apple provides the hardware, it is up to developer companies to utilize the hardware the best way they can. If they can't utilize Apple's hardware to its most efficient mode, then they should find better developers.

    If you are going to complain that Apple doesn't have good floating point performance, don't use a PC biased spec like Specfp. Go by actual floating point calculations a second.
    Nobody has shown anything to say that PCs can do more floating point calculations a second. And until someone does I stand by my claim.

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  • Digital Skunk
    Apr 13, 09:56 AM
    Here are videos of the event... that way you can pretty much 'see' for yourself what it does or doesnt do.




    Okay, I watched the videos anyway . . . :):D :p Whatever, I was curious and they are the only one's I've seen in the past hour.

    There's not one added feature that a student/hobbyist/professional or game changer shouldn't like.

    Things like Magnetic Timeline would actually help an editor cut faster. I digress again.

    Things like Magnetic Timeline however, COULD make certain tools like trim, roll, and slip not needed. I am sure they'll be in the palette, but no more trim --> highlight --> grab and move --> deselect. You just move the clip. I'd like to see that in more detail though, the video had it cut off.

    Another example of what some may be talking about . . . Nesting and Compound clips. Nesting was nice, but terribly executed. Compound Clips ------>>>>>>> Nice!

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 13, 05:51 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Looks like Apple made it easier to use and the so-called "Pros" feel threatened by that because it takes less specialized knowledge to do impressive work. We might not be there yet, but in time even grandma can edit. You get the point.

    Part of the reason established IT folk feel so threatened by Apple.

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  • Andronicus
    Apr 28, 07:35 AM
    I dont think iPads should be included. A computer shouldn't need a computer to be usable.

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  • leekohler
    Apr 15, 10:35 AM
    Then, you know what, you should have left at that. I can accept and understand that no two people will always agree. Hell, these forums are flooded with arguments, every single day, and that's fine. Go ahead and argue your point of view against mine. I can take it.

    What I will NOT tolerate is disrespect. You had no business accusing me of self-hatred, since you know nothing of me. One does not need to hate himself/herself just because they disagree with certain things. Would it be fair to say you "hate" Apple because you don't think the new MBA's have a C2D processor? See my point?

    Anyway...I'm done. Obviously people have very different views and this site, for me, is about relaxing and taking my mind off work and everything else. I'm not going to sit here and argue and debate with any one of you.

    No- what you will not tolerate is difference of opinion. And now you've taken your ball and gone home. You can't even handle one bit of criticism without running away. Well, good luck in life, dude. You're gonna need it.

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  • ddtlm
    Oct 12, 06:40 PM
    The result for my OSX 10.2 DP 800 G4 on the floating test is 85.56 seconds. I used -O and -funroll-loops as flags.

    So this is about 45% the speed of my P3-Xeon 700. Not very good at all, but it falls within the ream of believeability.

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  • bryanc
    Aug 29, 12:28 PM
    I have to say, I am APPALLED by the irresponsible attitude of some people on this forum (and probably the world). Businesses, corporations, governments, AND individuals should all be behaving in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. This is in no way "anti-progress". When did you all gain the right to be so selfish, self-centred, and bigoted in your beliefs?

    Hear, hear! What's up with all of you Apple Boosters? I think my Macs are great, and OS X is clearly the best OS on the planet today, but this report is very disappointing.

    Rather than turning a blind eye to the irresponsible policies at Apple, and saying the Greenpeace is just anti-technology (they're big supporters of many innovative energy technologies, BTW), why not do what you can, as an Apple customer, to change the way Apple does business.

    I've submitted feedback to Apple in the past about their wasteful packaging, and have been pleasantly surprised not only by their considerate replies, but the fact that they've changed their packaging to be less wasteful. Apple listens to their customers. If they know we care about the environment, they'll change their practices to be more sustainable.

    I would like to have seen Apple respond to this as a challenge, by saying that they appreciate the constructive criticism and look forward to implementing changes in their practises and achieving top marks in the next Greenpeace analysis. If enough Apple customers make it clear that this should be a priority, it will become one.


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  • ddtlm
    Oct 12, 06:02 PM

    Missed your request for ASM directions for a sec there. :) Anyway, I use NASM. Available here:


    I do my assembly in a .asm file, and use a C program as a wrapper to make things easy. C program, including my C loops. Notice that is't ugly and I manually change it to test different things, but hey it works. You can do better Im sure. :)

    #include <math.h>

    unsigned int asm_func1( );
    unsigned int asm_func2( );
    unsigned int asm_func3( );

    unsigned int C_func1( )

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  • backinblack875
    Apr 8, 11:03 PM
    I hope they poach someone that likes BUTTONS.

    WHAT?! the best thing about the iphone IS TOUCH!!!! NO MORE BUTTONS!!!

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 26, 07:47 AM
    It's about power and control- nothing more.

    Think Obama & Jobs the supreme power couple :)

    Sep 12, 05:02 PM
    Engadget has posted pics :



    Mar 18, 08:47 AM
    Here's a newsflash: Just because you put something into a contract doesn't make it legal or make it fair. What if AT&T stipulated that they were allowed to come by your house and give you a wedgie every time you checked your voicemail...? Would you still be screaming about how its "justified" because its written on some lop-sided, legalese-ridden piece of paper?

    No, because that is clearly retarded.

    Nov 3, 08:08 AM
    I have to say that I would have always agreed with you in the past. Apple just didnt seem to want to play in the mainstream desktop PC arena before. But if the Mac Pro goes 8 core (which is inevitible IMO) then there is a big yawning gap between the iMac and the Mac Pro, both price wise and performance wise. I dont understand why Apple seems content to leave it empty. Is it because there is no money to be made there?
    I beleive that Kentsfield will allow them to fill it with a powerful machine that still allows them some profit margin. The 8 core Mac Pro will be a true professional workstation, with a price to match. It makes sense to slot something in a bit lower, esp. if the commodity price is lower for Apple (DDR2 ram instead of FB-Dimms, etc)

    I think when they introduce cloverton it will be the top option. Probably two clovertons at 2.66 Ghz making the machine about 2,999 even 3,299. Making it the top machine, like the quad was with dual-core G5s. I don't think quad-core chips will sweet the line right away. So the base Mac Pro would stay the same, possibly even come down in a few months (even if only slightly) with probable price drops with quad-cores on the market.

    this would make the gap between 24" imac and mac pro (dual 2 Ghz) not quite as big as if they were all 8-core mac pros

    Apple OC
    Apr 22, 08:44 PM
    Because the concept of earth and life just happening to explode into existence from nothing comes from logic and reason?


    Do you mean some Magical force creating Eve from Adam's rib?

    not even interesting :cool:

    Jun 14, 04:08 PM
    Every phone that comes out after the iPhone is supposed to surpass the iPhone by 20**. This is getting old. It took how many years for someone to beat up on Nokia? That's right, it'll be a long time before you see a dent in the iPhone's armor.

    I'm going to make a new smartphone next week. It's an iPhone-killer. Guaranteed.

    According to the market trends nothing can surpass the iphone boom from the market.

    Even ipad has to wait a little time to surpass.

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