Saturday, May 7, 2011

wallpaper icon

wallpaper icon. wallpaper Sixties Icon
  • wallpaper Sixties Icon

  • mjstew33
    Jun 10, 08:13 PM
    Muchos gracias!
    Muchas gracias!

    wallpaper icon. 32 Device Icon Set
  • 32 Device Icon Set

  • Eric5h5
    Mar 31, 02:39 PM
    Kids being kids, of course, they have iPods and they use Google, just not when Dad is watching. Telling kids not to do something is the best way to get them to do it.


    wallpaper icon. Wallpapers Blue Green Purple
  • Wallpapers Blue Green Purple

  • MacBandit
    Aug 26, 07:42 PM
    TomsHardware usually has the best and most equal comparrisons. The thing to check out is the performance durring AntiAliasing. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.:D

    wallpaper icon. Wallpapers amp; Icons Menubar v2
  • Wallpapers amp; Icons Menubar v2

  • Bobak
    Jun 1, 07:30 PM
    Then how the heck am I getting through?

    it takes about 24 hours for domain names to fully update i believe i'll assume you wont be seeing the site tomorrow.

    wallpaper icon. backgrounds+wallpaper icon
  • backgrounds+wallpaper icon

  • demonx
    Oct 28, 09:33 PM
    I was just going to order from the apple educationl store, but I don't really know any better either:D

    wallpaper icon. Leopard Hardware iCons by
  • Leopard Hardware iCons by

  • iMax
    Oct 14, 10:38 PM
    The product matrix as it is doesn't really match up.

    the ibook is a notebook still perrellelling the old iMac - it also costs less than the new iMac, and doesnt have a g4, or the same cockspeeds.

    the powerbook, at this point, is basically a portable new iMac.... 15: screen, 800mhz g4. the only real difference is the level 3 cache.

    the main factor keeping the Tibook from being a performance monster that competes with the PowerMacs is the fact that is has to be thin and light. That also keeps the price up.

    What if apple introduced a thicker laptop with a bigger battery and a superdrive, better cooling system, faster processors, etc? It would kick the arse of anything else on the market, and would serve as a true desktop replacement. perhaps it could even have 2 processors, but only activate one when it's running on battery, or something like that. There are plenty of PC manufacturers that have sub notebooks, thin and light notebooks, and a desktop replacement.

    Why not apple? with their talent for design and execution, it would blow anything else out of the water.


    wallpaper icon. The Wallpaper and the Lick
  • The Wallpaper and the Lick

  • skunk
    Sep 29, 08:41 PM
    Note that the iBook processor already does 800MHz (it was software-adjustable until someone let the cat out of the bag).

    wallpaper icon. Urban Outfitters Horse Icon
  • Urban Outfitters Horse Icon

  • King Cobra
    Jun 5, 06:44 PM
    Well, sort of. His "attempt" isn't a failure.

    wallpaper icon. Download: Fedora HD Wallpaper
  • Download: Fedora HD Wallpaper

  • Chisholm
    Oct 17, 06:31 PM
    I think Apple would NEVER allow their OS on a palm rip off that's THAT ugly!:p

    wallpaper icon. Great tool to set the icon
  • Great tool to set the icon

  • huck500
    Mar 19, 05:36 PM
    (blu-ray drive vs. standrd dvd drive; built-in wireless vs. not built in wireless; free internet vs. not free internet; 60 gig HDD vs. 20 gig HDD; HDMI vs. no HDMI... any questions?)

    I have a question... is that all worth the extra $200? I played Crackdown all day yesterday, and it seemed to run just as well on my 360 as it runs on the ps3...oh, wait.:D

    Get a Mac.

    wallpaper icon. wallpaper, icons,
  • wallpaper, icons,

  • King Cobra
    Sep 15, 12:31 PM
    >Does this include everything that comes standard on a Mac box?

    You certainly don't get the most stable OS with a PC.

    >Does this include everything that comes standard on a Mac box?

    You certainly don't get the most stable OS with a PC.


    scem, I think in due time the price of Apple's hardware will come down. Take a look at the prices of the Macintosh/Apple product line. The Macintosh II was valued at I think over $6000. The G4/G3 motherboard was worth up to $3500 I think. Now, the Dual 1.25GHz model sells for around $3300, if you don't feel like chugging in THAT much RAM.

    My guess is that in a couple of years Apple's PowerMacs will be reduced to near equivalent prices as when the first dual GHz PowerMacs came out, topping out at $3000.

    wallpaper icon. Car Wallpaper icon choices
  • Car Wallpaper icon choices

  • bigandy
    May 29, 07:59 PM
    I saw this link and it made me laugh...

    if you head over here ( and select a machine, you'll get the option to choose MacOS X as an operating system...

    how odd. They want MacOS that badly.

    Hopefully, it's not a sign it's about to be licensed or anything though! :eek: :(

    wallpaper icon. Car Wallpaper icon choices
  • Car Wallpaper icon choices

  • MacAztec
    Aug 27, 09:36 PM
    This is my first post in this place.

    I first came here by a link from MacSurfer in like 2001. I realized its a cool place, and I decided to keep posting.

    wallpaper icon. wallpaper icon at
  • wallpaper icon at

  • rendezvouscp
    Feb 13, 08:13 PM
    I think I actually have that game on CD somewhere, so when I find it, I'll make a post and perhaps something can be worked out...

    wallpaper icon. Click on the Apple icon at the
  • Click on the Apple icon at the

  • Nipsy
    Sep 17, 07:56 PM
    Well, let's wait until somone receives one and tells us exactly what chip it is.

    If it a new G4, then it may better address DDR RAM. That, and the larger L2 cache, would be worth $500 to me.

    However, whether you'll utilize the power is dependent on what you do. Try going to an Apple store, and using their machines with the processor monitor open. Run what you would normally run each day.

    If you don't peg out both processors, then you don't need more machine. I always have 20 apps and 25 binaries running on top of the OS, so my processor is usually pegged at all times. I have a full load of RAM, and still get pageouts.

    For users who are doing office type work (web, mail, Office, etc.) the Dual 867 should be more than enough. For those working with audio, Photoshop, compilers, or running 24/7 services, the Dual Gig should be fine. If you want to do some rendering, run A LOT of services, are a video junkie, or just need to be the fastest, get the Dual 1.25.

    But don't buy anything until we hear some more about what's in the 1.25...

    wallpaper icon. iphone wallpaper icon.
  • iphone wallpaper icon.

  • beez7777
    Oct 14, 10:54 AM
    Originally posted by rEd Eye
    A 800Mhz Powerbook fully loaded with 1Gb of Ram and a 60Gb HD cost's $6,059.00.Add 14.5% sales tax onto that and I am looking at a $6,936.00 Apple portable.That's before Apple care,extra anything and software etc.,in which case,with a nifty extra battery and Applecare for not if,but when it breaks,and .Mac,the grand total Reaches $7,710.09 CANADIAN DOLLARS
    Needless to say that this price is out of reach of the average Joe around here.:D

    um, the average joe is not looking to buy a fully loaded powerbook anyway. the powerbook is a PRO model and is not designed for the average consumer who is jus going to surf the internet and word process. Hence its price. ill admit its a little much, but if you fit into the category of "the average joe" get an ibook with all your software for under 2 grand

    wallpaper icon. icon collage Wallpaper,
  • icon collage Wallpaper,

  • edesignuk
    Jan 4, 05:51 AM
    I really need to check the main page more often! :p


    wallpaper icon. ICON Aircraft wallpaper - 7658
  • ICON Aircraft wallpaper - 7658

  • PretendPCuser
    Sep 11, 10:42 PM
    Quark is in the belly of the beast. I haven't used ID (Yet) but i do have to say, Quark does seem a little long in the tooth, on it's last legs for years. Now to scrounge up all the loose change to see if i can sport a new G4...

    wallpaper icon. bokke icon Desktop Wallpaper
  • bokke icon Desktop Wallpaper

  • MBHockey
    Feb 3, 07:48 PM
    Anyone have any suggestions? I hate to have to move the folder out of my home directory and reboot when i need all my CPU for iMovie and iDVD

    May 18, 04:40 AM
    maybe we should let them come closer first.

    oh those taunts will come sooner than you think - I can almost hear them now...

    Jun 14, 02:14 PM
    I think Stanford has other priorities right now... They are working on folding for GPU's. So, it could take a while!

    Apr 20, 10:28 PM
    I don't think they have any interest in a teenager programmer. Sorry. :(
    I just want to point out how amusing it is to me that no one seems to have any faith in Democrat622. I'm not saying it's possible, but at least I'm not saying it's impossible.

    I'll cross my fingers for you. :D

    Aug 30, 12:21 PM

    You are being incredably unrealistic with talk of 16 Power4-lites.

    A *single* current Power4 probably costs more than any single Mac product and generates more heat than even Apple's new mega heatsink could be expected to deal with. 16 would be in a case with wheels and a 6-figure price tag.

    The whole idea of the Power4-lite is to do away with all the fancy many-many-chip features to make it cheaper.


    Interesting to note that Apple said "4-6 weeks" the day the 1.25 was announed, and this is 2 or 3 weeks later. Hmmm, still 4-6 weeks. I originally thought about getting one, but I have since given up and will wait till the next revision which may very well include a Power4-lite option, but we won't have much idea about that until October 15th.

    Sep 26, 08:40 PM
    I think Apple And IBM have somthing really big in store for us.

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