Tuesday, May 10, 2011

wallpaper baby boy

wallpaper baby boy. Photography - A aby boy
  • Photography - A aby boy

  • manman
    Mar 18, 11:57 AM
    As far as I'm concerned it is the same as going to an all you can eat restaurant and sharing your food between two people, while only paying for one. It isn't a serious crime, but it is stealing, and you know that if you get caught you will have to stop. I'm not going to feel bad for these people that are using 5+GB per month.

    I don't think it's really like this in practice, because 99% of the time people are probably using one device or the other, they aren't surfing around and watching videos etc on the iPad and iPhone at the same time for example. They COULD do it, so I guess the analogy works, I just don't think there's a lot to worry about there.

    I agree that if this is explicitly laid out in the contract we signed, we can't really get mad. I do think it's retarded though- with normal Internet service, you pay a single fee and connect any device you want... computers, phones, game consoles... buying service from a phone carrier should ve the same. Because in most cases it really DOES amount to paying for the same data twice. You'd have to have multiple people using each device simultaneously to really get your moneys worth : /

    wallpaper baby boy. aby boy laughing
  • aby boy laughing

  • shawnce
    Oct 26, 12:04 PM
    Run an RGB to CMYK conversion on a 1 Gig Photoshop file with embedded profiles -- watch activity monitor. See that all four processors kick in for this processes. Many Photoshop processes efficiently use all four processors.

    Just wanted to note...

    It is easy to confuse a single thread bouncing among available cores as it gets scheduled (which happens easily on Mac OS X) and multiple threads executing in parallel on multiple cores if you look at per CPU utilization graphs because of sampling artifacts.

    In top you want to look at "CPU usage" or in activity monitor look at "% Idle". If idle CPU usage is close to zero then you are truly utilizing the cores in your system which often implies that the application you are using is spreading the work across the available cores. In a four core system if idle CPU is around 75% (usually several percentage points under that because of system related threads supporting the application) then the application is really only using a single core (single threaded). In a four core system if idle CPU is around 50% then the application is really only using two cores (two threads). etc.

    You can also look at load average in top. If the load average is around 1 then the work load on the system is on average only utilizing one core. If the load average is around 2, then on average two cores are being utilized. etc. If the load average is greater then the number of cores in the system then the work load is greater then what the cores in the system can run concurrently.

    Note load average (and CPU %) will be depressed if the work load is IO bound and not CPU bound... so an application could be attempting to utilize multiple cores (use multiple threads) but IO bandwidth, etc. is starving those threads of the data they need and hence preventing them from executing.

    The best way to know that an application is utilizing multiple threads for a task is to use tools like sample and Shark.

    wallpaper baby boy. Cute aby boy wallpaper
  • Cute aby boy wallpaper

  • Doctor Q
    Mar 18, 05:57 PM
    Like, where's my credit for providing Macrumors with the link/story, about 8 hours ago???

    Guess that 'DRM' has been stripped....hmmm...the ironyWhat kind of credit do you think you were denied? Most submissions are anonymous and if you submitted this story 8 hours before the time of your post that was still hours after somebody else had submitted the same story.

    MacRumors normally gives credit to a member who first provides a story when the member has been identified, but that wasn't the case here.

    wallpaper baby boy. Wallpaper of Baby Boy
  • Wallpaper of Baby Boy

  • DemSpursBro
    Apr 10, 07:00 PM
    I'm not sure sure what you mean when you say "for the things it is good at." What do you mean? What things?

    The only real advantage, aside from aesthetics, macs have over PC is more user friendly video/music editing. Speaking from experience here,
    you can do the same on a PC, but it's slightly more difficult.

    Unless you're buying some old/bad brand, a PC will normally give you greater hardware capabilities and you can always dual boot or just only use the Mac OS.

    I would like to show this picture that I threw together a couple of months ago.

    http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/4838/macnotworthit.jpg (http://img831.imageshack.us/i/macnotworthit.jpg/)

    Of course, it's speaking about games, but that also doubles as video/music editing capability.

    wallpaper baby boy. Baby Boy Face Wallpaper
  • Baby Boy Face Wallpaper

  • ciTiger
    Apr 20, 09:20 PM
    Flame wars... :D
    I know we can't all get along but what's the point of discussing something again and again and... :rolleyes:

    Might as well be happy with what you got :apple:

    wallpaper baby boy. aby boy backgrounds
  • aby boy backgrounds

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 29, 07:54 AM
    A reasonable question, AppleScruff. Indeed, my sample group includes staff, faculty, and students from different disciplines (including business/commerce, and engineering) at a university who use their Macs for research, graduate work, or lecture preparation; a prominent cardiologist at a large hospital; a financial advisor; professional musicians; and many others.

    I am myself using a Mac in a business school seamlessly among my PC-using peers. There is nothing that they can do that I cannot - and many things I can do that they would have a difficult time doing in Windows. In fact, my colleagues have been so impressed that one has already made the switch recently, and another is preparing to switch as well. Those days of "needing to run Windows" for work are behind us.

    That's been my observation in the business world as well. With projects often being Web-based now, Windows is becoming irrelevant. On one project with about twenty developers, systems architects and analysts, close to half were running Macbook Pros (no Windows installed) and doing very well. It's just not an issue for many office folks. Obviously there are some roles that still require Windows, but not as many as it used to be. The tech folks in particular seem to take great delight in moving to Macs. Times have changed.

    wallpaper baby boy. Baby Boys Pictures, Wallpapers
  • Baby Boys Pictures, Wallpapers

  • Speedy2
    Oct 7, 04:17 PM
    No, they most likely wouldn't. There is no reason to think that it would - it's conjecture. (http://daringfireball.net/2004/08/parlay)

    Have you actually READ the link you posted?
    Times have changed a bit since then, you know ...

    Due to Apple's grown popularity (if not ubiquity) it can be safely assumed that quite a few more people would install Mac OS if it were officially supported on non-Mac hardware. A highly significant number of people? Good question. To Apple's benefit? Probably not.

    wallpaper baby boy. aby boy wallpaper
  • aby boy wallpaper

  • Clive At Five
    Sep 20, 07:44 PM
    We need a way to record our own TV shows from our cable subscription.

    Is that legal? If it's not - even if it's blurry - Apple won't do it.

    Secondly, if Apple allows you to do that, then you wouldn't buy content from the iTS. That's not what Apple wants.


    wallpaper baby boy. Your Always My Baby Boy Image
  • Your Always My Baby Boy Image

  • flopticalcube
    Mar 16, 01:29 PM
    Instead of the OP, I guess the question you really need to answer is, should we make decisions based on sound reality based scientific data, or short-term, panic-mode, irrational reactions to the effects of an extremely rare national emergency which could have been better prepared for (like not putting the plant on the ****** BEACH!)

    Oh come on! You know what the answer to that will be. Panic wins every time as it makes better TV. :rolleyes:

    Potassium Iodide tablets (retail $10 bottle) going for $500 on eBay. People are so stupid sometimes...

    wallpaper baby boy. Christmas Day - Baby Boy
  • Christmas Day - Baby Boy

  • Moyank24
    Mar 25, 11:07 AM
    As marriage is licensed by the state, it is in fact a privilege. The fact that it is near-universally granted doesn't make it any more a right.

    I agree with you here. And that is the problem. It shouldn't be a privilege. Every consenting adult that wants to get married should be allowed to.

    wallpaper baby boy. Baby boy with Pumkin,
  • Baby boy with Pumkin,

  • AidenShaw
    Jul 13, 09:49 AM
    So, your argument is basically that even though AMD and Intel disagree with you, you are still right, because this is just a vast conspiracy?
    Please show me where Intel says that a Core Duo is *not* SMP ! Note that "way" (as in "2-way") meaning "socket" isn't the same thing.

    Don't search for "SMP Core.Duo" at apple.com, you'll find lines like Intel Core Duo based Apple computers, which use SMP, will have a performance jump of 15 to 30 percent. (http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/games/demos_updates/quake4.html)

    Please install Linux on a Core Duo and tell me if it installs the SMP kernel !

    I can tell you for sure that XP installs the SMP version of the kernel on a Core Duo !

    Google for "SMP Core.Duo" and notice 68K hits, and then do "not.SMP Core.Duo" and notice the 110 hits. (Many of them in Mac forums :eek: )

    Yes, there's a vast conspiracy that considers multi-core to be SMP... Many of them happen to have computer science training, experience and degrees. ;)

    ...truly enough.

    wallpaper baby boy. Cute Baby Boy Mobile
  • Cute Baby Boy Mobile

  • steadysignal
    May 3, 07:24 AM
    so much for the no malware on macs myth :D
    funny how the apple fanboys are getting all defensive :rolleyes:

    funny how your post is at -19.

    wallpaper baby boy. Baby
  • Baby

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 26, 03:19 AM
    Care to elaborate?
    To reply sarcastically about my post about Matthew 5:10-12, someone posted this :rolleyes: smily. To answer lightheartedly, I said that I liked that emoticon. I was not writing about anyone's face.

    wallpaper baby boy. Cute Baby Boy Wallpaper
  • Cute Baby Boy Wallpaper

  • After G
    Sep 12, 08:05 PM
    I don't watch TV - the market for it is not me ... TV these days is too full of crap. No DVR because I don't want to save crap.

    My watching model is: I watch it once, I know what happened, I don't care for keeping it. Because of this, I don't buy DVDs. I don't want to pay $20 for a watch-once movie. And most of the $5-11 deals aren't. The theater is a better offer for me, but the environment sucked a long time ago, and still does.

    Hmm ... I find myself doing more with the computer ... and less everywhere else. Sounds like I fit right in to the iTV demographic, that "digital hub" thing.

    wallpaper baby boy. well as aby boy holding
  • well as aby boy holding

  • nixd2001
    Oct 13, 05:54 PM
    Originally posted by javajedi

    I have my theory as to why java took the lead over C in the sqrt example....

    It might be worth finding C and Java language lawyers as well. ISTR that their treatment of IEEE FP values is different in subtle areas. I can tell you from past experience that these subtle areas are often what hammers performance. I'm talking about treatment for NaNs and that sort of thing. So this may be relevant?

    wallpaper baby boy. naughtly aby boy wallpaper
  • naughtly aby boy wallpaper

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 01:23 PM
    Godwined! FTW!

    Had to do it! We are like 11 pages in.

    wallpaper baby boy. Little Indian Baby Boy
  • Little Indian Baby Boy

  • nixd2001
    Oct 8, 04:25 PM
    Originally posted by javajedi

    3.) You speak of flaws of the "x86 architecture" but do not provide us specifics as to why you say this.

    The floating point instruction set architecture of the x86 (silly stack based thing) is/was a naff design decision. I don't even know whether there are alternative routes to accessing FP ops on an x86 these days, as its ages since I've been interested in that level (tad of compiler writing in my history). [Intel did always work pretty hard to get IEEE FP conformance though, which is more than most other CPU mnfs.]

    The limited number of GPRs is also a design flaw that has largely been worked around.

    Maybe the best way to get an understanding of what Intel privately thinks is good/bad about x86 ISA is to look at what sorts of x86 instructions get translated into what sort of micro-ops internally - the larger the change, the less Intel like their original decisions.

    wallpaper baby boy. Baby Boy Wallpaper
  • Baby Boy Wallpaper

  • Gelfin
    Mar 26, 01:13 AM
    "church" is more like wherever-the-Hell-you-want.

    The governments job is enforcing the will of the people because it derives its power from consent of the govered

    The Constitution of the United States forbids tyranny of the majority by denying the government the power to deprive anyone of liberty without a compelling state interest in doing so. A powerful majority may not simply outlaw an unpopular minority.

    wallpaper baby boy. nice aby boy wallpaper
  • nice aby boy wallpaper

  • wlh99
    Apr 6, 10:04 AM
    Can't just hit Delete? Can't move up a level in the directory structure? Yikes.

    Ya know what? These may all be little things individually, but collectively as a whole I think they'd drive me nuts.

    I'm still on Vista... maybe going to Windows 7 might be the smarter move in my particular case.

    Thanks for your help everyone, I sincerely appreciate your input.

    Gotta do some serious thinking about this...

    It's cmd-del. And yes you can move up the directory structure.
    As someone else pointed out, it's just different. I have used PC's since around DOS 3. I still use them extensively, and also use Macs and manage both as the IT person at work.

    My belief is the better a person is at both, the more they realize it doesn't matter. Both have problems, and both work very well. They are just different. When someone thinks one is far better than the other, they probably lack skills in the system they don't like - whether they know they lack the skills or not.

    If when you swtich, you will have a month or so of frustration as you struggle to do things that were easy with the PC, like how to delete a file with the keyboard, or that there isn't an up button in the finder. But you will soon find that cmd-del works, and that you can click on the directory hierarchy at the button of the finder window.

    My biggest frustrations have been that shortcuts are very different. I use office products a-lot on both platforms, and it is hard to go back and forth. Particularly the usage of the home and end keys. Also, shortcuts are inconsistent between apps on the Mac.

    If your PC is old and needs replacement, get a Mac or a Windows 7 PC. You will probably be happy with either in the long run. If you like learning new things, the Mac might be more fun and exciting. Although if you were still on XP, Windows 7 would be different as well.

    May 5, 10:23 AM
    I'm wondering what the specifics about dropped calls in New York City would look like.

    On average I get about 3-4 dropped calls every day. Every. Single. Day.
    My roommate on Verizon has had one dropped call in the year that we have lived together.

    Mar 11, 02:48 AM
    Satoneko and everyone else in Japan: Please take precautions for aftershocks. In my country, the worst earthquake disaster when two separate 7.0 earthquakes hit the same area within minutes of each other, and aftershocks continued for several days. The worst may not be over. We're hoping for everyone's safety.

    *Just read another 6.4 quake just happened.

    Mar 19, 10:54 PM
    Why don't you try it and find out? :)

    I would. I don't care if apple cancels me or not. So what if they cancel me? Am i going to get poorer?. How a company makes money by deliberatly losing customers is beyond me. Are you a apple employee or stockholder?. You sound pretty desperate. You should sell your stock quick or put your resume out there but stop posting silly stuff. As noted before, apple is not going to cancel anyone's account.

    Oct 26, 09:25 AM
    Great news! Let's hope it's true, as it would be nice to see Apple forge forward with frequent updates in this manner as they have already done to an extent. The days of waiting months for a 100 MHz PPC speed bump are long gone! :D

    Jul 13, 11:16 AM
    So Dell has a system with dirt-cheap CPU and that vaunted Dell-"designed" case for under $1000. And you are now expecting to get an Apple-system with kick-ass case and considerably more expensive CPU with just $200 extra?

    Well, well, some wicked-awesome case design is what matters most! Is it tough to say that with a straight face?

    Isn't this just the wannabe design-snob version of l33t kiddos outfitting their computers with neon and other assorted garbage?

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