Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Provisional Driving Licence

Provisional Driving Licence. provisional driving
  • provisional driving

  • ezekielrage_99
    Sep 5, 12:28 AM
    I really doubt that Apple will put a TV tuner in this thing (if it's real). Think about it -

    Point 1 - If Apple puts a tuner in then they have to deal with the myriad of different types of TV.

    Point 2 - THEY SELL TV SHOWS!

    Does Steve want you to Tivo the new episode of "The Office" on your "MediaMac/Airport Express Video/Super iPod" or does he want you to come to the iTunes store and download it for $2? Apple, despite most of our (including my own) beliefs is a business and they have to think of the $$$ first.

    Why give something away when you can make money off it? That's still my theory as to why the mini didn't have a tuner from the start.

    Yeah there's very little point to add something to your product lines which will compete with your existing products/services unless you are going for full market control aka De Beers.

    Provisional Driving Licence. Your Provisional Licence.
  • Your Provisional Licence.

  • Detrius
    Mar 16, 10:31 AM
    I can just imagine that future Apple operating systems might very well include native protection that wold continue to thwart people wanting to sell anti-malware for Apple OS.

    OS X Server ships with clamav for filtering viruses through the email server. Lion merges client and server. Therefore, there will be an antivirus program shipping with 10.7.

    Provisional Driving Licence. my provisional driving
  • my provisional driving

  • DaveK
    Sep 13, 09:38 PM
    There are a lot of sound business reasons for Apple to release an iPhone. But the biggest reason is that Steve must have a cell phone and you know he probably hates the industrial design and functionality.

    I think that they were supposed to announce this in one of the "one more things" on the 12th and something happened at the last minute. Two items lead me to this conclusion.

    1. They never used a satellite link of the keynote to London(think Vodafone), which they mentioned before the keynote. Maybe it was just so London could watch. But then why not the folks at the Apple Expo in Paris.

    2. Is it just me, or did the "pre-announcement" of a product that has an "internal" name of iTV, which may or may not be the products real name, strike anyone else as very un-Apple like.

    Provisional Driving Licence. your Provisional Driving
  • your Provisional Driving

  • chasemac
    Aug 24, 02:21 AM
    At least this gets it all out of the way, hey.


    Phantom Rouge (http://phantom-rouge.co.uk) - The Artwork of Eleanor Hirst

    Unless your not paying attention hey?:)

    Provisional Driving Licence. Your Provisional Driving
  • Your Provisional Driving

  • pyroza
    Apr 25, 06:19 PM
    Getting rid of the optical drive would be stupid. No way to burn CDs (yes, I buy CDs because I like supporting artists and I like higher quality music) and no way to watch DVDs (no DVD player or TV here in my dorm room).

    Provisional Driving Licence. provisional driving
  • provisional driving

  • andy721
    Mar 29, 12:42 PM
    Why do you guys keep posting your crappy Market Share records they're not even close to the other leading OS's
    Are you guys morons or just smoking crack? :mad::confused:

    Provisional Driving Licence. Kelvin#39;s temporary Chinese
  • Kelvin#39;s temporary Chinese

  • Shadow
    Oct 27, 09:47 AM
    I. Hate. Greenpeace. I've wasted seconds of my life 'listening' to them and its all rubbish.

    Provisional Driving Licence. will affect their driving,
  • will affect their driving,

  • batchtaster
    Apr 11, 08:40 AM
    you seem, like so many people these days, to be wanting everything while giving nothing...

    Hey Apple / music / movie /etc etc industry, why cant you just let me have whatever I want, whenever I want, all for free?
    And let me moan and whinge non-stop while you're doing it.


    And not just free - employ people and sink resources into it to make it happen, so that Apple (and other companies making great products) actually pays for these things they want, like they're 5 year olds pawing through the candy in the check-out line at Walgreens, demanding one more piece. You want the candy? Buy it.

    On another tack, I can't help thinking this guy has opened up a can of worms for himself, DMCA-wise.

    Provisional Driving Licence. an Irish driver#39;s license.
  • an Irish driver#39;s license.

  • Multimedia
    Sep 9, 01:11 PM
    It also depends if you can run multiple instances of that application. A little help here Multimedia? I know you've used multiple instances of Toast. Care to enlighten us on what other applications we can do the same? Maybe we should make a guide on it...Preemble clarification: I use Toast (http://www.roxio.com/enu/products/toast/titanium/overview.html) in a highly unorthodox way - nothing to do with writing DVDs or CDs. I use it most of the time to write DVD IMAGES that Handbrake (http://handbrake.m0k.org/) understands how to make priistine mp4 files from. I am able to reduce a 4.3GB original EyeTV HD broadcast recording down to 351MB using this method. The result is an excellent, albeit soft, version of the original that can go on an iPod or two on a CD and when played on an analog TV from the iPod looks just like a DVD. On a HD monitor it still looks great. Just a little soft. Sound quality is identical to the original.

    I haven't explored what else we can run simultaneously beyond Toast (http://www.roxio.com/enu/products/toast/titanium/overview.html) and Handbrake (http://handbrake.m0k.org/). I can run as many instances of those as I like. But I run out of cores even just running both of them because they will each use more than two cores given the chance to run alone. Running them simultaneously even with a second Handbrake running third, still gets all the jobs done faster than waiting for two to run and then running the third. Handbrake will process up to about 150-160 fps when two copies are running while it will process only about 93-100 fps alone.

    Handbrake FPS readings vary a lot between the analysis pass and the writing pass - much slower writing on the second pass than studying-planning the writing scheme on the first pass on both the Quad and the Mac Pro. On the Mac Pro, Toast will use almost all 4 cores given no competition. But so far I'm not convinced it is encoding EyeTV recordings for DVD images much faster than it does on teh Quad - yes 7.1 UB. I need to go back and exact time some encodes on the Mac Pro then compare that here on the Quad to tell.

    Just tried to launch a second copy of EyeTV and it's a no go. Maybe if I have another liscense with another tuner like the new hybrid it will work with a second copy - don't know yet. Probably getting an EyeTV hybrid tuner (http://www.elgato.com/index.php?file=products_eyetvhybridna) soon so I can record two HD shows at once.

    A Multi-Instance and Multi-Core Usage Guide would be a great help. Does someone with authorization want to start a thread on this subject? I am not authorized to create new threads. But I would be happy to contribute to it. If someone with new thread creation permission does it, please post a link to it here. Thank you.

    Provisional Driving Licence. for a Provisional Driving
  • for a Provisional Driving

  • w00master
    Nov 13, 01:54 PM
    On the surface, Apple's position on this specific application seems ridiculous. Having said that, I don't know if the App store approval process changes much. If the iPhone was open to any application, then Apple could have taken legal action against Rogue Amoeba. I suppose it would be more difficult than just denying the app, but Apple would have a way to squash this app, if they wanted to.

    I have to disagree. Rogue Amoeba in *no way* violated Trademark or Copyright rules with this. In fact, they used Apple's own OS X APIs.


    Provisional Driving Licence. about provisional driving
  • about provisional driving

  • ArchaicRevival
    Mar 23, 06:42 PM
    Im in agreement with this.
    Remove them from the App Store.

    It might be illegal etc.. but we must draw the line somewhere.

    Nope it's not illegal. The law enforcement is required to announce them, plus many radio show hosts announce them as well.

    but I definitely agree with other posts, that if a guy is too drunk to drive, he's probably to drunk to use his phone and look for DUI checkpoints anyway. It's probably for people that are not super drunk, but are maybe 0.09% instead of 0.08%. ;)

    Overzealous democrats and republicans on both side need to suck it.:mad:

    Provisional Driving Licence. Sues over drivers license
  • Sues over drivers license

  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 12:58 PM
    Sure they can get worse. They can make them thinner and even worse at dissipating heat. Form over function.

    But I meant design looks wise...

    If they make them worse at dissipating it is only because the chips can handle it.

    Provisional Driving Licence. Saving Dvla Drivers Licence
  • Saving Dvla Drivers Licence

  • igazza
    Mar 22, 04:04 PM
    This is great news. im looking to upgrade my iMac6,1:D:D:D

    Provisional Driving Licence. Australian driving licence as
  • Australian driving licence as

  • SirROM
    Aug 31, 09:53 PM
    If Apple is planning to introduce a video iPod and movie service on the 12th, might it makes sense to release updates of some products, such as the MBP, the previous week, giving the full spotlight to the new products. There really doesn't need to be a special press event for an updated laptop, even if it does have a new case (as I don't expect it to be too different). It would certainly give Apple lots of positive press about the updates and fuel even more talk about what was coming the following week.

    Just my usual 2� worth....

    Provisional Driving Licence. provisional driving
  • provisional driving

  • joeboy_45101
    Aug 23, 07:07 PM
    Well, I guess we can be relieved that this lawsuit didn't become something worse.

    As much as I think this is a BS patent and lawsuit at least Apple can continue to sell iPods. Just imagine if Apple lost the lawsuit and Creative denied them use of the patented technology.

    BS as it all is, I'm just relieved that its over. :o

    Provisional Driving Licence. and territory licence
  • and territory licence

  • j800r
    Apr 22, 10:06 AM
    If the cloud is left as just an option, then i'm all for it. So long as the iTunes store also exists in the format it is today. I have a massive music collection currently sitting at around 140GB and constantly growing. I like owning copies of the music. Not to do anything illegal with, but I like being responsible for the music. I can already take my music collection with my wherever I go. It's called my iPod Classic. I already have my entire iTunes library backed up. It's called Time Machine. I think SYNCHING via the cloud and having it there as just an option is a great idea, for people who want it, but if they made it cloud only, and took away the ability to download then that would only increase the level of piracy in time. Very much like DRM did. Record companies thought this was a great idea to restrict usage and prevent piracy. Turned out more people were turning to pirated music because of the restrictions that had been placed on them.

    To sum up. The cloud should be an OPTION, not compulsory.

    Provisional Driving Licence. Driving Licence Information, Provisional Driving Licence Application
  • Driving Licence Information, Provisional Driving Licence Application

  • pavetheforest
    Sep 15, 10:01 PM
    I would ditch my verizon plan the instant it came out...

    Provisional Driving Licence. for my provisional driving
  • for my provisional driving

  • notabadname
    Apr 19, 12:42 PM
    Well of course they will respond "strongly". As if they would respond with a; "Yep, you got us on this one, where do we send the Billion dollar check".

    Provisional Driving Licence. transfer Driving License
  • transfer Driving License

  • EagerDragon
    Sep 10, 08:47 AM
    Is the 24" as quiet as the MacPro? Have you been able to compare to the 20"?
    The store is noisy, so it is hard to say. To me neither was making a sound.

    Oct 27, 01:38 PM
    Also, thanks for the Apple environment link. Didn't know about the 10% discount on iPods when turning in an old one. With no educational discounts on iPods anymore, that's a pretty decent deal.

    Well, you can get a better deal by just selling an old one on ebay. But if you have an old one that doesn't work, there ya go.

    Dont Hurt Me
    Sep 26, 12:02 PM
    I wonder if this means we will see some Apple Logo's on Jeff Burtons car? He is in 1st place at the moment in Nascar.:)

    Sep 9, 10:34 PM
    Two Questions...

    1) If Merom MacBook Pros ship on the 12th, and I order mine that day, around how long would it take for me to get?

    2) I hear there is going to be TONS of problems seeing as how it's going to be the first of Rev B. Models. Any truth to that?

    Sep 16, 09:28 AM
    I really think the camera has to be able to swivel in some way if we want to be able to take pictures of stuff in front of us while looking at the screen, and have video chats too I don't recall seeing decent mock-ups that address this issue.

    My Sprint Samsung A900 does that.

    Apr 10, 11:04 AM
    Sounds like a pretty convincing reason to move to Sweden if you are an American.

    Canada is sounding awfully good to me right now.

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