Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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  • iamacat
    Sep 12, 05:47 PM
    This was the product I was really waiting for. It's cool, but I'm disappointed it doesn't have a DVD player and it looks like it probably won't work with EyeTV.

    FrontRow already has a DVD player accessible through remote control - just put the DVD into the Mac. I also pretty sure EyeTV videos can be already made to appear in FR menus. If you really need hardware right next to TV, by all means get a Mac Mini and an EyeTV HD. Still comes out cheaper than a new Tivo (look ma, no subscriptions!)

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  • AP_piano295
    Apr 22, 08:18 PM
    Didn't you know? Aside from owning Apple products it's also quite trendy being an atheist. They think they don't need to back up their points with Reason or facts so it's a kind of intellectual laziness which compels most people.

    I'm not saying that I'm a devout Christian or anything of the sort, I'm agnostic, but it's based on Reason.

    Well supported points there :rolleyes:.

    There are a-lot of atheists on these boards because there are quite a few far left atheists on these boards. Leftists are more likely to be atheists.

    I like to believe it's because they make their decisions based on logic and reason.

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 07:10 AM
    Compared to the alternative, it certainly seems to be.

    [source: human history]
    Compared to what alternative?

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  • NT1440
    Mar 16, 10:58 AM
    For those of you advocating the elimination or reduction of nuke power, just realize that the only feasible alternative currently is...
    Drill baby, drill!

    While I have misgivings about Nuclear power I do think it is a good midrange solution to our problems until we can solve our battery problems (thus enabling true renewable energy sources to be viable), drilling isn't a viable solution to anything.

    The US doesn't have the resources to provide for our society on our own. Not to mention that the whole process of drilling can take decades (meaning 10+ years, not something like 20+) to play through to the point where steady production can begin. You can't just go out and drill, even if you find something you have to set up the supporting infrastructure first before it is viable.

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  • Gravity
    May 6, 09:25 AM
    I am in the chicagoland area and I have a high percentage of phone calls that AT&T drops!!! Seems like every other phone call... I probably have about 40% of all my calls dropped by AT&T. What good are full bars on my phone if the connection isn't reliable? If that's the case, WHY do I spend so much for phone service???

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  • SolarJ
    Apr 6, 02:21 PM
    Try holding down SHIFT and clicking the green plus button it should full screen any app.

    Try Divvy. Its awesome

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  • appleguy123
    Mar 24, 07:22 PM
    Not supporting actions is hate?

    You do real that Tomasi is talking about the attacks on "People who criticise gay sexual relations..."

    If I said that I don't want blacks to be married, because it hurts the sacrament of marriage, would that be hate? I think that it would be.
    Like it or not, the zeitgeist is shifting to make homophobia as stigmatized as racism. The Catholic Church will have to either adapt, or perish.

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  • 1macker1
    Mar 19, 09:51 AM
    I'm wondering what's the big deal with this program. If i buy a CD from Best Buy, it doesn't have DRM, so why do they even bother doing it with Internet downloads.

    Apple will find a way to block this non-DRM downloading...and in turn DVD Jon will another way to get around this. It will go back and forward.

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  • samdweck
    Oct 7, 04:54 PM
    Originally posted by arn

    Sam... you need to chill.

    Personal attacks and pure emotional posts are not very helpful. The point of this site is not to be Pro-Mac at all costs.

    A fast enough Pentium will beat a 1.25GHz G4. How fast the Pentium has to be appears to be a point of contention... but that's all it is... as long as people keep it civil... it's cool.

    Besides, alex_ant's post was a joke. Slow down, and read the intent of the posts.


    sorry arn, but it pisses me off! i mean really, i am very pro-mac and i should chill, but what does a pc person have business doing here... sorry though!

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  • MagnusVonMagnum
    May 3, 05:19 PM
    so much for the no malware on macs myth :D
    funny how the apple fanboys are getting all defensive :rolleyes:

    Just look at the monster negative vote rating against anyone who ever criticizes Apple or anything remotely related (i.e. typical fanboy mass attack; they can't let blasphemy just go bye :D ). Frankly, I'm starting to think the lower the number on your post in most threads on such topics, the SMARTER you are. I know I usually give props to all the messages with the lowest scores since they are usually the only ones to tell the truth (kind of like listening to the Tea Party for advice; most are clueless fanatics and not much else).

    I mean just look at the number for your post. You told the 100% gospel truth. There IS malware for the Mac (even if it's not very dangerous) and pointed out the truth that most fanboys on here are getting completely bent out of shape and acting immature with their sarcasm. You were at -20 right before I hit reply in a thread where the average number is +/-2.

    If someone can find me a set of Macintosh 'fanboy free' forums (as in fanboy accounts are deleted once recognized as such, themselves being a form of spam IMO), I'd love to know about it. It'd eliminate 95% of the total worthless fluff. Just think how much extra time one would have to do other things instead of wading through a cesspool of useless junk every day. ;)

    Why do Mac users get less infections? My belief is that the users may be of higher quality, ONLY because of the computers niche-like nature and most Mac users are dedicated, technologically knowledgable.

    You must not get around much. Most Mac users I see everyday are technological neophytes. The Mac is designed to attract non-tech users so this shouldn't be a shock or anything. The difference I see is that most Mac users THINK they know 10-50x more than they actually do. Yes there are some very knowledgeable Mac users out there, but they are not in the majority by a long shot, IMO. The sheer volumes of drone-like fanboys on these forums ought to give you a clue just how bad it really is.

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  • NT1440
    Mar 16, 10:58 AM
    For those of you advocating the elimination or reduction of nuke power, just realize that the only feasible alternative currently is...
    Drill baby, drill!

    While I have misgivings about Nuclear power I do think it is a good midrange solution to our problems until we can solve our battery problems (thus enabling true renewable energy sources to be viable), drilling isn't a viable solution to anything.

    The US doesn't have the resources to provide for our society on our own. Not to mention that the whole process of drilling can take decades (meaning 10+ years, not something like 20+) to play through to the point where steady production can begin. You can't just go out and drill, even if you find something you have to set up the supporting infrastructure first before it is viable.

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  • jimitrott
    Feb 24, 06:07 AM
    Android might surpass the iPhone. The iPhone is limited to 1 device whereas the Android is spanned over many more devices and will continue to branch out.

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  • MorphingDragon
    Apr 30, 04:34 AM
    They are built in a way so they can work 24/7 for years without overheating. At home I use a dual Xeon setup. You know what's a Xeon right? So... if it's a server chip how come do I have it on my desktop PC???


    If you have Xeon Chips you'll have a Server or Workstation motherboard most likely with ECC RAM. Sorry dude, you have a workstation. :rolleyes:

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  • greenstork
    Sep 12, 07:02 PM
    You are making a lot of Assumptions regarding complications. The addition of USB to iTV makes a host of third party addons possible that could easily surpass Tivo.

    Wait and see -- it happened quickly with the iPod 4 years ago. It will be cheaper too -- no monthly fees and all managed by Front Row.

    Now that is EASY!

    Please explain to me, even hypothetically, how this could be a Tivo killer DVR. As a basis for the argument, consider that TiVo (as of today) can record 2 HD channels simulteously, while watching a third previously recorded show. Plus you can pause live TV.

    Elgato and Myth and all of the cable & satellite Co. DVRs haven't been able to compete with TiVo to date, what makes you thik they will be able to going forward?

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  • roocka
    Apr 9, 10:05 PM
    1. Define a proper game. I think there are a lot of proper games on iOS. But I think I get your point. Do you mean hardcore? Halo, elder scrolls, call of duty etc.

    2. What do you mean make a legitimate threat? I would bet money there are more iDevices in peoples homes and hands than Nintendo or Sony devices (of similar purposes) I watched a friends kid for a week in January while she was on a business trip. The kid loved his DS to death. For Christmas he got an iPad. He didn't even know where his DS was anymore, it was old news. Plus when apple has enough money to buy either company out, I think that makes them a legitimate threat.

    Lets be honest, APPLE will never buy Nintendo or Sony. Apple will make them inferior and insignificant. Apple will not create the same games but rather will change gaming. Apple will probably make gaming more interactive and more inclusive.

    I would say the odds are greater that Sony will buy Nintendo in a desperation move to remain relevant or Sony will get bought out by Microsoft after Apple starts creating televisions. Mark my words, Apple will never buy a bloated and inferior company. To truly believe that makes you a moron.

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  • Torrijos
    Apr 13, 07:56 AM
    People don't even realize the amount of work necessary to bring a project like this to term.

    I really hope all this goodness is going to trickle down the rest of Apple's software offering, from OS components to the rest of the Pro apps, through iApps (the iWork suite is in dire need of a refresh, Numbers has tons of bugs and slows to a crawl with complex projects).

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  • TallGuy1970
    Apr 20, 05:47 PM
    If you don't know what you're doing with your own devices then maybe you need Apple to hold your hand.

    Ah yes, the ever present "Android users must be smarter because they can customize their phones more" argument. It's still as irritating and off-base as it always was. :rolleyes:

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  • MacCoaster
    Oct 12, 09:41 AM
    Originally posted by nixd2001

    It would be interesting to see the code generated for the loops - it won't change the answers but it might give some of us a bit more understanding on the perfomance differences.
    javajedi's Java and Cocoa/Objective-C code has been available here (http://members.ij.net/javajedi) for a couple of days. My C# port is available for examination if you e-mail me.

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  • ct2k7
    Apr 24, 12:43 PM
    I am religious, however, I have to say there is some sort of motivation inside me to stick to my religion. I can't put my finger on what it is exactly, but there's something there. I'm always looking forward to something for some reason.

    May 2, 10:51 AM
    It is safer to run under an administrator account all the time in OS X than in Windows. On Windows, the administrator is almost the equivalent to the root account on *nixes and as such has unrestricted access to any and all files on the system.

    Windows Vista & 7 have the UAC - meaning that admin accounts are effectively the same as on *nix & OS X.

    It works well (on Win7)

    Sep 2, 01:25 PM

    The happiest dat of

    Great! :) Hope you come back and let us know how the service is and how it compares to AT&T. Which phone did you get?

    [QUOTE=drapacioli;10977661]Is it just certain phones that get dropped calls? I have AT&T and when I demoed the iPhone in store the only phone call I tried to make with it was a dropped call. But my current phone, the Samsung Captivate, I have never even had a low signal, let alone a dropped call.

    You might have a point. I've been side by side with another person (also an AT&T subscriber) who has a Nokia. I have no or low bars and they have bars.

    Bill McEnaney
    Mar 28, 03:12 AM
    What's pretty funny is that I'm sure Leonardo da Vinci did plenty of work for the pope and he was gay, and Michelangelo painted the roof of the Sistine Chapel, and he was almost certainly gay as well given what his art involves.

    And clearly the popes at the time didn't give a damn about their homosexuality - I fail to see how in the intervening 500 years its suddenly become an issue.
    It's one thing to say whether popes cared whether those artists were "gay." It's quite another to say that the popes thought the homosexuality of those artists was relevant to whether they would hire them. If I wanted someone to paint a mural in my home, I would be willing to hire a gay artist. But I still think gay people need to refrain from gay sex.

    Mar 18, 06:04 AM
    Until then I'm stuck because I believe in playing by the rules, no matter how F-d up they are...

    How could you be the real IT guy if you believe that? Never meant an IT guy that had to "tweak" a few things to get a system to work, the best toys do what the manufacturer never intended!

    Apr 12, 03:47 PM
    Or press print-screen. It puts the screen capture on the clipboard instead of saving to the desktop, but just as easy. AFAIK there is no simple equiv. to cmd-shft-4. I usually open in Paint and crop.

    If you can get your fingers to do the gymnastics, command-control-shift-3 (or 4) will put your screen shot (or partial screen shot) to the Clipboard instead of a file to allow for pasting where you want to.


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