Thursday, February 17, 2011

Indoor Street Art by Paul Baines

Indoor Street Art by Paul Baines

Drug Mule Doll

Posted: 17 Feb 2011 07:22 AM PST

Here's my latest work, it's called Drug Mule Doll. I've set up a site to sell what I intend to be a growing collection of hand painted and customized contemporary Russian nesting dolls. I'm aiming to subvert the medium, bring up a few social issues, have a little fun, you know the score. Each will be a completely unique one-offs, the first release, Drug Mule Doll was sold before I even had a chance to put the photos up online which is a good sign!

Anyway here's what you missed…

Drug Mule Doll

Drug Mule Doll (Back)

The next few dolls will (probably) be NASA Conspiracy Doll, Suicide (Emo) Doll, Conjoined Doll… Keep up to date at

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