Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Indoor Street Art by Paul Baines

Indoor Street Art by Paul Baines

Minimum Wage Machine

Posted: 08 Feb 2011 03:28 AM PST

Life is a grind, and slowly capitalism is falling apart, as everyone at the bottom realises if it's all based on potential growth, and that the economy is nothing more than a pyramid/ponzi scheme where the 'have-nots' must live on the hope that the 'haves' are telling the truth. Fat chance. After I graduated from art college I tried to get a decent job and ended up working for Heseltine's Campaign Magazine. I hated it, I soon left and worked in a series of factories and low paid kitchen work. It was awful, but at least it wasn't as bad as peddling B.S sales pitches to burnt out husks of soulless managing directors.

Minimum Wage Machine

Blake Fall-Conroy's Minimum Wage Machine says it all for me, the pointless and endless tedium of forsaking freedom in order to eat – do something to ad nauseam and eventually you will be paid a pittance. In this case in the words of Fall-Conroy "The minimum wage machine allows anybody to work for minimum wage. Turning the crank will yield one penny every 5.04 seconds, for $7.15 an hour (NY state minimum wage). If the participant stops turning the crank, they stop receiving money. The machine's mechanism and electronics are powered by the hand crank, and pennies are stored in a plexiglas box."

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