Friday, February 4, 2011

designer's depot

designer's depot

The Drawing Book Studio’s Illustrators’ art help for the benefit of the flood victims

Posted: 03 Feb 2011 06:02 PM PST

The Drawing Book Studios is try to help the recent victims of the flood disasters in Queensland. They do this by donating the money raised from print sales over the next fortnight. Visit their site see all of the art prints available. Scroll through the images and if you do find something that you like, you can click on the image you're interested to see pricing, detail and dimensions of the print.

These art prints are limited to one limited edition print as part of the flood appeal.

Here are some of those amazing artworks that are up for sale.

"Daydream" by Craig Phillips

drawing book art print 1

"Emergence" by Rod Luff

drawing book art print 2

"Totem" by Rod Luff

drawing book art print 3

Designer’s Depot: the best source for artists, designers and art lovers.

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